Chapter 38: The One At The Beach

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"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."- Friedrich Nietzsche

"So, how have you been fiancee?" Shehzer is grinning at me.

I scowl back, "Stop calling me that. You're not my anything."

"But you just let an innocent woman believe that I am. Saving face Mina? or perhaps you couldn't wait to accept me as yours?" He leans forward, eyes sparkling with suppressed humor. "You want to legalize the drug industry? Really?"

I snort, "Innocent? Maleficent is tamer than THAT auntie...and I haven't accepted you; I simply used you to make a point." I grab a dessert plate just to to look busy.

He grunts disbelievingly.

"It's true. I just lied, and I used you to cover up for me, like I would use a tissue paper. Sneeze. Snot. Trash." I arch my eyebrows daringly at him. "Still want to marry me?" I add the last remaining Baked Alaska portion to my plate. I haven't eaten dinner yet, but the dessert was already wiped out from this particular table and I was tempted by the last slice. I guess most people had the same idea; grab dessert before it runs out.

He stares expressionlessly at me as I dip my spoon into decadent sweetness. He shrugs and says, "I think we both know that you're doing this on purpose. To get me to back off."

My hand is remarkably steadier than my nerves as I deposit a spoonful of heaven in my mouth. Shehzer swallows as an involuntary moan escapes my throat, Whoever invented this food; I LOVE YOU TO THE LAST ATOM!

"Can I have some of that please?" He nods at my plate. I clutch it protectively to my chest, as I moved out of his reach.

"Over my dead body, Doctor. This is the last bit left, and I don't share food. Specially stuff that has chocolate in it." He grins as he advances at me, "Aww come on Minnie Mouse, is this how you treat guests at your party? Just one bite please?"

I look around for an escape; most people are strolling along the beach, or lazing around on the lawn chairs we had scattered around. I spot a secluded rock jutting beside the beach house we had also rented. I quickly shed my heels as I prepared to run. I hike up my skirt with one hand, shrieking with laughter as Shehzer kept following me. I must have looked ridiculous in my fancy dress, running up the crudely built stairs to the top of the rock. My chocolate stealer calmly strode after me as if he knew he could catch up to me without running.

I was panting by the time I reached the top; it only had space for one person to sit. The sides of the rock were pretty steep, so I knew there was no way Shehzer would do anything to topple me from my perch. The view from this slightly high vantage point was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was pretty much ready to set, and the Arabian Sea looked blood-red, and majestic. We could see fairy lights around the event pavilion light up as the sky darkened. I reminded myself to thank Ahmed (The event planner) for such a breathtaking beach arrangement.

I was halfway through my coveted dessert when Shehzer reached the step below my perch. I didn't like the lustful glances he threw at my plate.

"I think it'd be a smart move." I start conversationally.
He replies distractedly, "What would be?"

"Legalizing the drug industry will reduce the bloated profits that the drug mafia enjoys. It will also destroy the whole illegal cartel system, hence fewer families will be financially ruined. The government will be able to state an exponentially higher will also eliminate the whole Forbidden Fruit charm of drugs that lures teenagers to it. They'll be like, 'Wow, I can buy this shit at a grocery store without the possibility of arrest?...Meh.' We can effectively ruin the industry with legalization." I finish off with a leisurely dessert bite.

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