Chapter 17: The One with the Cheesecake

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I can't sleep. I tried everything. Counted sheep until I thought I could almost smell them. Ugh. This is why I hated men. They made you lose sleep over them. I turned over in my bed, sighing. I grabbed my cell phone and scrolled through pinterest for a while. I love Pinterest...It's like internet's little black hole. After an hour of pinning a million DIY projects and recipes (That I won't ever bother trying) The clock still read 2:30.

"I want to be with you completely."

"...It's not sudden. It hasn't happened overnight...I think it happened when I first saw you...."

I was mulling over each and every word Shehzer had confessed. It seemed impossible, that a guy like Shehzer would ever be into me. He was beyond gorgeous, educated, smart, wealthy, and caring to boot.

It doesn't matter though. I'm already in a relationship that I can't back out of. Ammi, and Dad are super happy about it. And so am I. Isn't Areeb all those things that Shehzer is? Plus I have known him for longer.

EMV glares at me, 'Aren't you conveniently forgetting that Areeb is having existential crises?'

Oh. His cynical approach towards life, God and religion was troubling me, but I didn't put much stock into it. Areeb was one of those 'All bark and No bite' people. He was probably just spewing all psuedo-intellectual religious crap to get a rise out of me and Adiba. Right?

I decided to text him. He is almost my fiance, if anyone should keep me company at ungodly hours, it should be him. Part of my insomnia was HIS fault.

Me: Hey, There?

Areeb: Yep. Just about to go cliff jumping. :D #YOLO. Will send snapoos (Snapchat pictures)

Huh? WHAT? Cliff jumping? in Pakistan? At 2 in the morning

Me: WHAT???? Where are you?

Areeb: Oh. I forgot to text you. I'm on a five-day trip with the guys. Malaysia Baby. ;)

Is he insane? who gets up and goes on an adventure trip one week before their engagement? I am annoyed and worried at the same time. During his university years, he had started doing extreme sports. A lot. I thought it was a phase, but this seems bordering on addiction. He had returned from Turkey just this month, where he had done some deep sea diving without SCUBA equipment

I was also miffed that he hadn't bothered to inform me. His almost fiancee. We have barely started a relationship and he was already acting like he didn't owe me a little heads up on his whereabouts.

Me: You complete ass! :@

Areeb: What? what did I do?

Me: A heads-up would have been nice! 'Hey Mina, my future wife, I am about to leave the country for a few days. I have an idiotic urge to throw myself off cliffs. Bye.'

Areeb: Wow. You're angry. :/

Me: What gave that away? genius? Ugh....

Me: Ali was planning a pre-engagement guitar night with some friends and family. How is that going to happen without you?

Areeb: Oh...Wow.. okay, sorry babe. I'll cut the trip short. I can always go again next month. When is he planning it?

Me: Forget it.

Areeb: Minnie...please don't be angry. Pretty please.

He sent me dozen cutesie emojis. And I finally relented. I told him the date and time. He promised to bring me a souvenir from Malaysia. I told him to get back in one piece. He said he'd try.

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