Chapter 8: The One with all the Puppy Love.

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"I see that I still have to save you from stuff huh?" Shehzer asked me. His brown eyes are twinkling with humor. His face stretched in a devastating half smile.

I can't stop myself from reeling. This is way too much to take in one day.

Let's categorize the stuff I have to freak out about:
A) My best friend just proposed to me.
B) My childhood crush is back in town after a gazillion years.
C) A crazy chicken just mauled me.
D) Childhood crush looks so good, I am losing precious brain cells just staring at him.

Hmmm...just four things. I can do this. I can survive. EMV is back in sarcastic business, 'Forming intelligent words right about now would be awesome' she jibes.

"Assalamualikum Shehzer!"
Yep, actual decent conversation Mina! Good girl! I pat myself on the back.

"Wassalam Mina" He is smiling at my formalness.

"I really hate chickens"

Wait...WHAT did I just say?
Undo, please UNDO!! Where's the EDIT BUTTON IN LIFE?

He starts laughing, showing perfect white teeth. Ugh...even his teeth are perfect.

"No duh, you hate chickens, we got that from all the screaming and the flapping around." Ali chortles, then proceeds to mimic my girly screaming.

That piece of horsefly excrement.

"I'll see you defend yourself against flying poultry, you jerk!" I stride past my brother making sure to accidentally-on-purpose hit him with my Coach bag. He grunts with pain. Good.

"She hasn't changed at all" Shehzer chuckles to my brother, as I step inside our home.

"Naw, she isn't as fat anymore. Also, you remember her Boy Phase?"

I. Will. End. My. Brother.

"Haha! Hard to forget THAT!"

I whip around. "Glad to know you guys can laugh at my expense. Someone should be able to find humor in terrible situations."

Then I slam the door shut, before listening to Shehzer's apology. Ali can climb the front gate if he wants to come inside.

Flashback 13 years ago: Mina's POV. (10 years old)

"Come on Mina, run faster! You can do it!!" Shehzer urges me from the finishing line.

I huff, and push my legs to run harder.
We are playing relay tag, and coin tosses determined that I partner with Shehzer. I had tried throwing a tantrum, but my brother promised to help me with my summer homework if I could 'Shut up and stop being a baby about it.'

Ali was partnered with Adiba, while Areeb sat in the sidelines, sulking because he couldn't play with his injured leg.

Shehzer had been so fast, that I quickly got over my poutiness. I was here to win this thing!

"Yay! Awesome running partner!" Shehzer cheered as I slapped the relay ribbon to his hand.

I grinned back at the praise.

"High five?" He asked timidly.

I shyly high fived him. He was so tall I had to stand on tip toe. He smiled like I had given him chocolate or something.

"Let's play Hide and Seek now, so Areeb can play with us." I suggested.

"Sure. We can search for the others in pairs." Shehzer quipped, giving me a side glance.

"Huh? That's not how WE play Hide and Seek." Ali retorts, frowning.

"That's how we play in America, I could teach you guys." He says confidently.

"Sounds dumb. But ok, I guess." Ali shrugs.

"First off, I will be searching for you guys. With my chosen partner, then after I find you, You have to yell Uncle.As I am the oldest, I will start the game."

Shehzer's rules were boring me. So I went to sit with Areeb, and he let me peek under his ankle's bandage. I squealed at the horrible stitches that held his skin together.

"Who will be your partner?" Ali asks Shehzer.

"Uhh, I think Mina would be cool. We just raced together and all...."

We ended up winning five games before Adiba snapped and asked to change partners.


My mom is speaking to Shehzer's aunt in our veranda (a sort of open car parking area/Pets place, that we have in our home)

I'm playing with our pet Rabbit "Ghuss Ghuss" (Terrible name for a rabbit. I know. Blame my idiot brother)
I ignore the grownups talk until I hear Shehzer's name (which made me perk right up!)

Auntie Shazia (Shehzer's Khala/Aunt): "Oh my God, Ayesha (My mom), the funniest thing happened yesterday, I was joking around with Shehzer, when I asked who he would marry. And you'll never guess what he said!! *Womanly Giggle*"

My Mom: *smiles politely* "What did he say?"

Auntie Shazia: "He said he will marry Mina. HAWHAWHAW"

My Mom: *nervous laughter* really? So cute!

Auntie Shazia:"I know right!! I love teasing kids that way, even though Mariam (Shehzer's mom) told me off for it"

My mom: "....."

I couldn't stop my ten year old heart from going into nervous angry overdrive.
'How dare he like me.' I think furiously.

That day during our playtime, I told him he was no longer my friend. He almost cried trying to get me back.

Two days later, I made fun of his accent by mimicing him. Everyone laughed.

A few days after that, I told my other neighborhood friends that Shehzer wore girlish clothes. He got teased over his red (Boy's) tank top so bad that he yelled at us.

By the time Shehzer left for America this August (Which I was later to find out was the last time he visited) I made sure that he no longer wanted to marry me.

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