Chapter 26: The One With The Red Lips

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"A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there."-Unknown

Ali and Adiba's intimate little engagement ceremony was the only thing that kept me sane for the next few weeks. After discovering that Shehzer actually moved to another city just to get away from me, I was weighed down by irrational guilt. The guy had handed his heart to me on a silver platter, and I had all but tossed it the ground, and backed my car over it.

My apologetic texts to Shehzer were ignored. Apparently, I had lost not only his affections, but also his friendship.

I therefore busied myself with my brother's engagement party. Unlike my grand engagement reception; Mine, and Adiba's parents had insisted on a small house gathering, of really close family members.

Since Adiba's house was larger than ours, it was decided that the party would be arranged there. I helped my best friend with her dress, and jewelry; Ali was left to fend for himself.

"But are you sure It's okay if I wear jeans?" My brother asked me for the third time. Honestly, boy's clothing boggles my mind. I know that suits are for formal events, and traditional Kurta shalwar is for Weddings, Eid and Jummah (friday) prayers. Beyond that, my fashion sense just deserts me.

I shrugged; "Sure, go ahead, wear jeans. It's not like anyone's going to look at you twice."

I had decided to wear a red chiffon kameez (tunic), overlayed with some delicate bead-work. It was eye-popping and different from the pastel shades I usually wore. I straightened my hair into long silky locks, and even added some red lipstick to go with the dress. I tottered down the stairs in sparkling silver heels I had stolen from Mom's closet. My height doesn't allow me to wear heels easily, I feel like a giant when I wear them...hence, I don't really own a lot of heels.

Mom was in the middle of packing Mithai (Sweet) boxes, when she saw me stomp downstairs. It is a tradition for the guy's family to send the girl's family a whole bunch of mithai on the engagement. The girl's family, then distributes the sweets to their own circle of friends/family/acquaintances as a form of announcement of impending nuptials.

Ma's eyes widened at my red lips. "A little too dark isn't it?'re not married quite yet dear."

Apparently, it is OK if I wear a lipstick of any other color under the rainbow, but red lips just screams "Married lady" to my Ma.

"Aww, come on Ma! everyone wears it after getting engaged! Areeb will be there too, and I want to look my best..." I argue back.

We're still debating over my choice of lip shade, when Ali enters the room, dressed in a badly ironed black polo shirt, and dark Levi's.

Mom's attention diverts immediately; "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?" She shrieks with horror.

"Clothes Ma!" Ali looks at me alarmed. "Mina said it's OK if I wear jeans."

"DO BOTH OF YOU HAVE THE DRESSING SENSE OF MENTALLY DEFICIENT SHEEP?" Ma is hysterical with horror. Apparently, we're running late and Ali's attire makes it impossible for us to leave. The poor guy ironed the shirt himself. He needs a wife. Soon.

A whole lot of yelling and shaming from Mom's side, We managed to unearth a decent looking cream-colored Kurta for my brother.


Adiba looked absolutely gorgeous in her light gold, dress. The gown reached her ankles, and her delicate frame looked perfect for the dress. I couldn't stop hugging her.

"We're going to be sisters Adiba!!! Imagine that!" I whispered to her excitedly.

"Minnie, this feels too good to be true. You have to pinch me! go on. Do it!" Her doe eyes are huge with awe.

I hurriedly comply.

"OW! you COW! I said pinch. NOT take my skin off!"

We giggle when I see her Mom shoot her the "Mom-glare".

The men are all seated around their large open lawn, while the women are seated all over the house.

"Adiba Baji we saw your Dulha (groom)!!" Adiba's younger sisters Kinza and Rimsha are giggling hysterically over this information.

Adiba turns pink with her shyness.

"You guys have seen him before!" I chatter with the girls.

"Oh! and we saw yours too!" Kinza tells me excitedly, while Rimsha pretends to fan her face. "H-O-T!" they fall into another teenage giggle-fest. So Areeb has arrived too.

I waited to feel nervous butterflies in my stomach. None. Nothing about meeting my best friend/fiancee gave me jitters. I just felt like I always felt around him, comfortable.

Pretty soon, Ali, followed by a few men enters the drawing room where we're sitting. I cheered, and took photos while my brother slid a simple diamond solitaire on my best friend's finger. Mashallah, they made a lovely couple.

I bumped into my fiancee during dinnertime.

"Hey babe. You look gorgeous in red. You should wear it often." Areeb whispers to me. His smile seems distracted though.

" look good too...Everything okay with work?" I ask him tentatively. I don't want to start sounding like a nosy, nagging fiancee.

"Work is fine. Life is life... Everything's just fine." He mutters tonelessly.

"You sure? You can tell me what's bothering you...."

For a second he looks like he is going to ask me something. But then he stops himself. He swallows nervously.

"Why did you agree to marry me Minnie? You deserve so much better than me."

"'re so right. I do deserve better. In fact I demand better. Arrange my wedding to Fawad Khan (Pakistani heartthrob) immediately." I tease him.

His sad eyes crinkle up in a tiny smile.

"Isn't he married with a kid?"

"Aww...darn! guess you'll have to do then!" I punch him on the arm; eliciting a raised eyebrow from my brother who is passing by.

The smile dies on his lips, and the torment is back.

"Minnie...What would you do if you had some burning questions for God?" He finally asks me. "How would you solve your...dilemma?"

I chew slowly on my biryani (traditional rice dish)...somehow, my answer is very important for Areeb. He is in need of spiritual guidance, and he is asking for help.

"You should search for the answer in Holy Quran. All human aspects, and dilemmas are discussed there. I'm not well versed in precise religious answers Areeb, but I think you should seek help from someone who knows religion pretty well." I explain carefully. I'm happy that he is opening up to me about this.

His cynical Godless attitude of late had troubled me, but I guess I was right on the fact that he deep in his heart he knew what his faith was. He was just, misguided. Seeking help from an established scholar of Islam would definitely help him solve his existential crises.

"You mean I should seek a Mullah?" He raises his brow at me.

"I mean, you should seek someone you're confident about. If you trust their intellect and religious acumen, then you should discuss your...issues...with them." I was burning with curiosity over Areeb's dilemma, but I refrained from prodding. He will tell me about it once he is ready.

"Thanks Minnie Mouse." He gave me his adorable dimpled smile.

I never realized it was the last time he would smile at me like that.


G'day, to all you lovely folks! :D

Sorry for the cliffhanger, but you should know my sociopathic tendencies by now. ;)

Do tell me what you think about the chapter!

Photo in description: Ali+Adiba on their engagement party. (Pakistani actor Shehroz Sabzwari, and real-life wife, Syra Yousaf) <3 adorable. I know!

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