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It happened in a moment, no one knew it would happen. They were both so inspirational, so important, such a role model to many students and to their families. They had both worked so hard for this moment and then the rocket blew up most likely shattering into pieces probably before landing in the ocean.

Everyone all over the world was probably in shock right now. The Woods Family and Cruz Family would never be the same again, losing someone close to you is a wound that can never be healed.

Two Twins are sitting on a sofa one with a guitar on his lap and one with a sketch book with her. They had stopped what they were doing for a second and then realised what had just happened. Both twins lean into each other and hold each other close.

A great man and women passed today, they will never be forgotten, they will always be in all of our Hearts.

We love you Ryan Woods and Samuel Cruz

The Twins exchanged glances with each other. Things at The Greenhouse wouldn't ever be the same again.  

Authors Notes
So this is the story I will be working on as well as The Osirian Twins. I absolutely love The GreenHouse Academy I have watched three times all the way through, so I think it's finally time I wrote a FF for it.

The story will follow the series script with a few of my own ideas and characters thrown in.

I can't wait to get into this and I hope you enjoy!

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Thank you x

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