The Opening Challenge

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Charlie's POV

Back the clubhouse I am sitting down drawing when Hayley takes the seat next to me.

Hayley" Hey"

Charlie" Hey, you decided to stay, I'm glad you decided to stay"

Hayley" Well, I couldn't leave my brother here alone, I have to check the place out"

I let out a chuckle as my pencil continues to scratch against the paper. She leans over to look.

Hayley" Wow, that is really good"

Charlie" You think, Leo always says that, I'm not sure"

Hayley" I think its good"

Charlie" Thanks, I was drawing the school, was out there today sketching, you know its not that bad here"

Hayley" I'll just take it day by day only for a month"

Leo" Guys, don't stay up too late. Louis' famous opening challenge is tomorrow.

Alex's POV

I am come back to the Eagles Clubhouse and I knew Parker and Daniel were not a fan of me but I intended to try and not lose my temper.

Parker" Hey, new kid, want to arm wrestle"

Alex" Sure"

The eagles keep chanting as Parker and I arm wrestle.

Everyone" Parker! Parker! Parker! Parker!"

Sophie" Come on, guys!

Brooke"Go, Parker!"

Sophie" You got this!"

Daniel" Parker, you weakling! How you gonna let this kid beat you like that?"

Sophie" Come on, Alex! You can do it!"

My Louie then chimed and I of course couldn't answer it. Brooke picks it up.

Brooke" Aw, how sweet!"

Thats all it took for Parker to beat me, that one moment of hesitation.

Brooke" Look, Daniel. Alex needs his big sister to tell him a bedtime story"

Daniel" I still don't know why your dad accepted him"

Brooke" He's too nice. That's his problem.

Daniel" Hmm.

Everyone disperses except for Sophie who comes over to me as I sit down on a window seat.

Sophie" Give me a smile"

Alex" No, no, I'm not in the mood"

Sophie" Oh, come on. It's for the official Greenhouse blog. It'll give the Eagles a chance to get to know you better"

I was really not in the mood,

Alex" No, no"

Sophie" Hey, come on. Come on"

I groan as she manages to pull me up. I begin to smile at the camera and then decide to show off my muscles.

Sophie" Come on, you can do better than that. All right, show me the muscles then show them to me. Good. Hey, you look great. Eye of the tiger.

I then get into to it and hold my t-shirt over.

Sophie" Fierce baby Good. Show me your abs. I need to see them. There we go! You see? You're a natural!"

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