Swimming Lessons

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

That morning everyone was getting ready for morning classes. I entered the bathroom and only Leo was in there. I hopped up on the sink and smiled.

Leo" Annd what do you want?"

Charlie" I want to know how it went with Hayley?"

Leo" Oh yeah, about that, I think we should just be friends, it seems easier"

Charlie" It seems easier, bro did you even try?"

Leo" Maybe not but I just don't have time for a romantic relationship right now okay"

Charlie" Well, I think"

Leo" Yeah well I've done thinking as well and right now I like Hayley as a friend"

He stormed out and I sighed. I hated it when we disagreed on things. I whiz my toothbrush around my teeth and hurry out.

Alex's POV

Daniel and I was chilling out on the couches trying to teach Parker how to win votes, it wasn't going so well. We could hear Sophie in the background she was busy handing out more flyers.

Sophie" I'm pushing for organic food in all of our cafeterias and I'll make sure our school complies with it so our girls' sports teams can get equal support and coverage! Please, vote for me"

Parker" She's pretty good.I have no idea what to say"

Alex" She's all talk.Don't psych yourself out"

Daniel" Listen, bro, just be yourself.Go out there and mingle and get their votes"

Tammy then comes over and she is holding on of Sophie's flyers in her fingers.

Tammy" Hey"

Parker" So, Tammy! Hi.I, um I wanted to humbly ask for your vote"

Tammy" What have you got to offer?"

Parker" Um Me.I mean, uh, you know, you and I have been friends for a while now, and I really think that's..."

Tammy" Sophie's offering environmentally-safe cleaning supplies for our locker rooms.What's your platform?"

Parker" My platform? My platform is to, um You loved Daniel's platform, right? Why change platforms? You know, I think, um"

Tammy then slowly walks off not impressed at all.

Alex" All right, look, change of plans.Don't talk"

Parker" What?"

Alex" Yeah, just look confident and smile.That's how politicians win votes all the time"

Daniel" With charm"

Parker" With charm.Yeah, I got charm"

Daniel"Attaboy.Just, you know, get out there"

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