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Charlie's POV

I looked out of the window, the courtyard was slowly filling up with new students anxious to be accepted to The Greenhouse. There was also people coming out not being accepted and I noticed some of them were crying. I mean for some this was their whole life, some had been practising since they were tiny. The sound of a guitar twanged and I looked round at my twin who was tuning his guitar. I sit down by him and he smiles.

Charlie" Hey, you nervous?"

Leo" A bit"

Charlie" You will be great, I know you will"

Leo" Thanks sis"

He then picks up a photo of our parents we had lost them both of them. Our mum when we were only three and our dad in The Athena Launch last year. Our grandparents wanted nothing to to do with us and our parents had no siblings. 

Leo" I wish they were here to see us"

Charlie" Me too, I miss them so much"

I lean on his shoulder and we just look at the photo for a few minutes. After Leo collecting his guitar and me holding the amp we head downstairs. I then see the hallway has filled with residing students and new students with their parents, some crying obviously not passed. We both head onto to the classroom.

Alex's POV

I walk in with Hayley, I couldn't believe I was actually here, this was where our mum had studied and made her greatest discovery. I missed her so much.

Alex" Okay. No stress, look that's the chemistry lab where Mum worked, I can't wait to see the new gymnasium"

Hayley"Responsibility is the price of greatness!"

She practically shouts it.

Alex" Shh! Everyone can hear you"

Hayley"Oh, what are they gonna do? Arrest me for disrespecting the regime?"

Alex" Yeah, very funny, oh look that's Daniel Hayward!"

Hayley" Who?"

Alex" That's the captain of the Eagles"

I run over.

Alex" Hey! Hi, Daniel.Um, I just wanted to let you know, I'm a big, big fan. I'm trying out for the Eagles, too. I'm a shooting guard. I've learned everything by watching you play. I'm Alex"

I hold my hand out for him to shake but he doesn't take it.

Daniel" Yeah, cool"

A male voice then sounds on the PA.
Students in group D, please go to room 102 for your exam.

Daniel" You okay?"

Parker" The kid looks a little pale"

Daniel" Yeah, he's shaking like a leaf"

Parker"Mmm. Sign of weakness. Definitely"

Daniel"Yeah, they'll pick right up on that, too. You know they will"

Parker"He's more Raven material"

Hayley then comes over.

Hayley"Yo, stop psyching out my brother!"

Daniel" There's a hundred applicants and one spot on the Eagles. Just saying'.

Alex" It's okay. She didn't mean it. Come on"

I try to pull her away.

Hayley" You're the one who looks scared. What, you're afraid someone younger and more talented will replace you?Just saying"

The Greenhouse Twins (1)Where stories live. Discover now