Private Screening

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

I was standing with my brother and the other Ravens, we were nervously awaiting the news from Jackie. I just really hoped she passed. We then see her exit and she looks really down. Oh no, she didn't pass but wouldn't that mean she was lying to us.

Hayley" So?"

Jackie" Just kidding.I passed the test"

Max" I knew you would pass.Even though, statistically speaking, innocent people fail lie detector tests 50% of the time, and the guilty are more used to the psychodynamics of lying on a regular basis, so"

I put my arm on Max's shoulder to get him to stop rambling.

Max" They're just numbers.They don't really mean anything"

Jackie" Thanks, Hayley"

Hayley" No problem.Anytime you need someone to take a lie detector test for you, I'm your girl"

Jackie" Cool"

We headed back to our clubhouse now really happy Jackie had passed. Max went to sit down and play chess with Emma, my brother said he was off to the music room with Hayley and everyone else just busied themselves doing what they do best. I sat down with Jackie who picked up the gaming controller.

Jackie" Thanks for taking the lie detector test for me Charlie"

Charlie" Your welcome, everyone deserves second chances, now am I going to thrash you at this game"

Jackie" I don't think so"

Charlie" Oh yeah, well I certainly thrashed you last time"

Jackie" Well I was distracted, I am so going to beat you this time"

Charlie" We'll see"

Leo's POV

Hayley and I headed back from the music room, she was getting good and seemed to pick it up very easily.

Leo" You're getting pretty good"

Hayley"Thanks.Now I know three chords"

Leo" You can start your own band now"


She then scans her Louie to the door but nothing happens, she tries again.

Hayley" What's wrong with my Louie?"

I reach to take it from her.

Leo" Here, let me see it"

Hayley" I've been having problems with it all day"

I inspect it and sigh.

Leo" Um, that's because this is a fake"

Hayley"Are you sure?. So where is my Louie?"

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