Captain Material

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Daniel's POV

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Daniel's POV

With the help from Brooke I hobbled down the hall to the clubhouse on my crutches. I couldn't wait to get rid of these things, playing basketball was going to be a lot harder with these.

Brooke" Guys, look who's back!"

Parker" Oh, wow"

Sophie" Although it's good to be back at the Greenhouse, for Daniel Hayward, the question remains, is he still our captain?"

Daniel" Guys, I am and always will be your captain"

Parker" That's right"

Sophie" But we heard Louis told you that we needed...."

Daniel" Louis was a little upset over everything that happened, so he overreacted.My mom will talk some sense into him"

Parker"Relax, guys, okay? Our captain will never let us down"

Daniel" Never that"

Parker" Come on.Let's get on the game, see if you still got it"

Daniel" Oh, you know I still got it, Parker"

Everyone is back to their normal happy selfs when Louis walks in and he looks serious.

Louis" Eagles.I know these last few days have been chaotic for everyone.But everything will return to normal as soon as you select a new captain"

I stood there in shock.

Daniel" Whoa.Wait.Did my mom talk to you yet? "

Louis" I cannot overlook your lapse of judgment.This has been a very difficult decision to make.And I want to thank Daniel for his service.Your new captain has some very big shoes to fill.So you should vote for a new captain immediately"

Louis then left and I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I had always been Captain, I hadn't known anything different. Well I wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Hayley's POV

I strolled into the bathroom to clean my teeth for the day ahead. I then see Leo also in there brushing his teeth. I smile at him.

Hayley" Hey"

Leo" Hey there"

Hayley" So what's with this PE class? I thought I joined the Ravens so I wouldn't have to run around a gym"

Leo" You know Coach Davies was a Raven himself? He was one of the first coaches to use advanced stats in basketball"

Hayley" I see you're really taking care of yourself with the whole dental hygiene"

Leo" I always take care of myself, Woods"

Hayley"Woods.So we're back to a last-name basis"

Great, so we are back to a first name basis, what happened to yesterday.

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