Guilt Free Cupcakes

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

All us female Ravens were getting ready in the bathroom, I had been so excited since I got up and Emma, Jackie and Hayley were trying to figure out why.

Hayley" Why are you so excited are you going to tell us?"

Charlie" Well, I think Leo was going to tell you but I am sure he won't mind"

Emma" Well tell us"

I leave them in the suspense which leads to Hayley pushing me playfully.

Jackie" Charlie tell us"

Charlie" So today, us Ravens will be competing with The Eagles for a Harvest festival"

Hayley" So, what's this harvest festival about?"

Leo" It's one of the best traditions we have here, every year on Halloween weekend, the Greenhouse hosts an open fair for the entire community of Santa Ynez"

Us Ravens were heading to the harvest festival and I was determined to beat The Eagles. As we stood by our booths, Louis started to explain the rules of The Harvest festival and where the money we raised will go to.

Louis" Yeah! With the money you're gonna collect today, 20 kids are gonna get to spend the summer at an amazing STEM summer camp program"


Louis" And you're gonna do this by selling 200 delicious gourmet cupcakes"

Hayley"Bake sale? That's the best he could come up with?"

Max" But Mr Osmond, those scholarships are really expensive, you're gonna have to sell way more than 200 cupcakes to fund them"

Parker"Maybe Louis baked them in gold"

Louis"I did not and, Max, you're right, this camp costs a lot of money. But fortunately for us, we have an alumni who recently sold his startup to Apple, and has agreed to help us out. For every cupcake that you guys sell, our anonymous friend's gonna donate"

He then slaps a button and the clear sphere fills up with cash.

All" Whoa!"

Hayley" One thousand dollars!"

Charlie" Not bad for a bake sale, right Hayley"

She smiles at me.

Louis" Each time you sell a cupcake, you ring the bell at your booth and more cash will be injected into the sphere"

Daniel" Even if we only sell 'em for a dollar?"

Louis" Theoretically, yes. But there's also a twist"

Hayley"Twist? No way"

Louis" A good leader is also a creative marketer.You must be able to sell your ideas to the public.So that's why there's also going to be a competition between the two houses to see who can earn the most money selling the same number of cupcakes"

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