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Authors Notes(1) Enjoy, my original character makes an appearance in this and will be in for a few chapters starting in the second book

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Authors Notes(1)
Enjoy, my original character makes an appearance in this and will be in for a few chapters starting in the second book.

(Flashback Chapter)


Charlie's POV
As Aspen stands there with Leo, I can see he looks very uncomfortable with this situation and I don't blame him, Ashley who still has his arm around me is listening to sister who doesn't stop talking.

Aspen" You organised such a cool do! Nobody in London does this anymore. Good job, Lee"

Leo" Actually, the Eagles put it together"

Charlie" What are you doing here?"

Aspen" Oh hey Charlie, can't say I've missed you"

Charlie" I haven't missed you either"

Ashley" I missed you"

Aspen theN rolls her eyes at her brother, who looks down. I feel like I'm fizzing with anger. I thought when she left we had seen the last of her though I wouldn't say the same about her brother.

Hayley" I'm Hayley and you?"

Aspen" Hi! I'm Aspen. So nice to meet you"

Leo" Aspen, Ashley, Charlie and I pretty much grew up together"

Aspen" Uh, we've known each other since we were five, right? We're childhood sweethearts. Our dad's a diplomat, and our family moved to LA when we were both in kindergarten. And it was a nightmare at first, but then I met this guy, do you know how many songs he's written for me?"

Hayley" No. How many?"

Aspen" Hundreds, maybe?"

Charlie" Sure you go on thinking that"

Aspen then glares at me and I glare back.

Aspen" Anyway, my lifelong dream was to study singing at the London Conservatory. So we decided to have an LDR"


Aspen" Long-distance relationship.You know what's really ironic, is that it was me who suggested he apply to this school in the first place"

Charlie" That's not what I remember"

Aspen" Yeah, well I didn't think you would apply as well"

Charlie" We are twins what did you think would happen?"

Aspen" Isn't that funny?"

Hayley" Hilarious"

After the intrusion Ashley pulls me aside.

Charlie" What are you doing here, not that I'm not happy to see you but you know we agreed a LDR was a bad idea despite what Aspen thought"

Ashley" I know, it's just you know what Aspen is like, she won't take no for answer"

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