Black Smoke

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

We sit in the car, me in the passenger seat, Hayley in the back, I look around.

Charlie" I'm so glad your coming back Hayley, you missed our trick on The Eagles"

Hayley" What did you do?"

Charlie" We used pink dye on their clothes and.."

Leo" And shrunk them as well, I wish I could see their faces"

Hayley" That's hilarious"

Charlie" Leo come up with it"

We arrive back at The Greenhouse and head up to our Clubhouse.

Leo" Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Hayley Woods"

Everyone claps.

Hayley" Stop.You're embarrassing me"

Jackie" Good job on bringing her back"

Leo" I barely did anything.She practically jumped in the car"

Hayley" No, I didn't!"

Leo" I swear I never saw someone pack a bag so quickly.She pretty much waited at the window for me to show up"

Hayley" He is such a Liar, if anything it was Charlie's speech"

I put an arm around Hayley. An hour later we are sitting in the class after having figured out how we would describe Woody. Leo hops up first.

Leo"Okay so our job was to describe Sheriff Woody in one word. The word I chose is cowboy.I think every leader needs to be a bit of a cowboy.You know, a tough, protective sheriff that gets lonely sometimes. That's what Woody is.Who could lead those toys better than him? The Slinky Dog, or Mr Potato head?

Becca" Don't you dare insult Mr.Potato Head"

Charlie" Or Slinky dog, I love slinky dog, he is cute"

After Leo finishes his speech, I get up and stand up with my board.

Charlie" Okay, so I choose Protector, what I saw when I watched Toy Story was that Woody was a protector, he was always the one who had to take care of all the other toys, I  mean they relied on him and he was willing to do whatever it took to save all the other toys"

I smile as I sat back down next to my brother. He smiles. Max then hops up.

Max" Woody always recognised the danger before the rest of the toys, and he always took responsibility at the right moment"

Jackie slowly approaches the stage and stands next to her board, she has two words.

Jackie" Okay I have a little confession to make.I only saw the movie for the first time today. And I'd also like to thank Max for organising a very special VIP screening for me. So the first word I thought of was friendship, because this is a movie about a friendship between two leaders. One leader being older and more experienced, and the other being new and fresh.At first, Woody thinks he's going to be the leader forever, but then Buzz Lightyear comes along, and he realises he isn't as perfect as he thought"

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