Breaking and Entering

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Charlie's POV

I sighed as I came in from a bike ride around campus, everything was alright until I went over a large rock and fell off. I had managed to hobble back to the clubhouse and was relieved when I could sit down. I then looked up from trying to nurse my foot when Leo walked in.

Leo" Hey, I had a feeling something was wrong are you okay, you have been gone ages, everyone is in bed.

Charlie" I know, I fell off my bike I went over a huge rock and I had to hobble all the way back, I think I've twisted it"

Leo" Let's have a look"

He then takes my foot in his hand and I wince as it hurts.

Leo" We should take you to the nurse"

Charlie" No, everyone is probably asleep now, leave it till tomorrow"

Leo" Are you sure I don't mind helping you"

Charlie" Leo, honestly it's fine, I just need rest"

Leo" Okay but if it's not better in the morning"

Charle" I'll go to the nurse, twin promise"

I headed to bed and was soon asleep, the next morning however my foot still hurt and I knew I was going to have to visit the nurse, I mean I twin promised Leo. I hobbled to the bathroom where Emma, Jackie and Hayley were standing cleaning their teeth. Emma slots hers back in the holder and looks at me.

Emma" Hey are you okay, what happened to your foot?"

Charlie" I fell off my bike, a rock kicked me off, I didn't think it would of actually thrown me off"

Hayley" Are you okay?"

Charlie" I have got a twisted ankle, I have to go see the nurse, I twin promised Leo"

Emma" A twin promise?"

Charlie" Yeah, something we made up when we was little means more than a usual promise"

Emma and Hayley" That's so cute"

Then speaking of my brother he walks in and his eyes immediately fix on me. I knew what he was thinking.

Leo" Does your ankle sill hurt?"

Charlie" Yes, a lot actually, don't worry I am going to the nurse in a minute"

Leo" Good, don't like seeing my little sister hurt"

Charlie" Leo, you are only five minutes older than me"

Leo" Only because you took your sweet time being born"

Charlie" Look if you want to come with me you can"

Leo" Okay I will"

After getting dressed and sorted Leo and I headed down to the nurse. I hopped up on the table and winced as she felt my ankle.

Nurse" Well, you were right, it is only a sprain, I'll give you some tablets to help with the pain and the swelling should go down in a few days, just take it easy, no running around"

Charlie" Okay, thank you"

Leo" I'll look after her"

Nurse" I know you will"

The nurse had worked here since we were kids and we were always in with some injury or another.

Later on we were sitting with the other Ravens having lunch, the morning had been spent in the clubhouse, where Leo played a new song on his guitar and fussed over me. I loved him for it but sometimes it annoyed me. I also thrashed Jackie on a video game. I was sat next to Leo, who had Hayley the other side of him.

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