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Sophie's POV

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Sophie's POV

Well if I was nervous before but I knew I had this, I knew I could be a great captain. I entered the Eagles Clubhouse and all the girls rushed up to me.

Tammy" Sophie, where have you been? I was looking for you"

Lucy" There's a problem with the boys' lockers"

Sophie"What is it?"

Tammy" They stink! I found this next to my toothbrush this morning"

She then holds up a sock which is covered in dirt.

Sophie" Ew"

Lucy"I'm so over cleaning up after them"

Sophie"You're right. I'll talk to them.

I head over to the guys followed by my fellow girls.

Sophie" Hey, guys. I wanna talk to you guys about the mess in your lockers"

None of them listen to me, so I decide to through the sock at Parker, who jumps back when I do.

Parker"Yo! What'd you do that for?"

Sophie" Did you hear what I just said? I want you guys to pitch in and clean up your lockers"

Parker"Someone's new jacket's got to her head"

All the males then start laughing and fist bumping with Parker.

Tammy" You guys need to listen to her!"

Sophie" What's wrong with you?"

Parker then mocks me which irritates me greatly. I was the new captain and they needed to get used to that.

Parker"Oh, what's wrong with you, Come on, Seth. Get it"

Seth" I'm trying, but it's killing me"

Daniel" Sophie, come on, they'll clean, then you'll just say it's not really clean.What's the point? You know we're not good at it"

Sophie" Why? Because you're men? Really? Come on, I thought this was the 21st century.

Daniel then stands up next to me.

Daniel"Sophie, listen. It's not good to go tough on them right now give them a chance to get used to you"

Parker"You know what? Let's go. It's time for practice anyway"

Alex" Right"

All the boys hop up and start to head towards the door.

Sophie" No. No one's leaving until you finish cleaning up your lockers"

Parker"Let us think about that for a second. No"

Sophie" But it's an order from your captain, Parker"

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