Great Scott

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

All us Ravens were getting ready for the dance The Eagles were throwing since they had won the Harvest Festival. Leo was fiddling with his guitar and he had his amp beside him. I sit down next to him and he smiles as he strums the strings. I continue to smile at him until he stops playing.

Leo" What?"

Charlie" I can't wait to hear the song you have written for Hayley"

Leo" Well, I can't wait for her to hear it, I hope she is going to love it"

Charlie" So you are playing it at the dance just for her, she is going to be so surprised"

Leo" Yeah she will if you don't tell her"

Charlie" I won't don't worry, your secret is safe with me"

Leo" Good, look I wanted to give you something, dad said to give it to you if he didn't come back"

While Leo walked off with his guitar still in his arms and he came back with a box. He handed the box to me and I opened it up, there on the soft pillow was a blue sparkly necklace.

Charlie" Oh Leo it's beautiful"

Leo" I think it was mum's, dad says she wore it when they first met"

Charlie" Awww, I love it, it makes me miss dad, I wish he was still here"

Leo" Me too, I miss him so much"

Both twins then cuddle each other, Leo having removed his guitar.

Sophie's POV

I stood giving my orders as I was now the captain of The Eagles. We were getting ready for the dance tonight. I stood next to Emma who was helping me sort things out.

Sophie" Oh, cool, guys, so let's put the DJ booth over here in this corner, thank you"

I strolled over to the twins, clipboard in hand.

Sophie"Leo, Charlie my man with the guitar and women with your artistic talents, thank you so much for bringing that Leo, you both rock. You're gonna be great tonight Leo, Charlie can I see what you done?"

The female twin shows me her work and I was very impressed.

Sophie" Wow, Charlie that is amazing!"

Charlie" Thanks"

I moved back over to Emma who still looking over her own clipboard.

Sophie" Hey, so I like this fish here, but I think it would be better in the back and just..."

I then notice Parker who has now wheeled in a huge karaoke machine. I rush over to him.

Sophie" Oh, my God, Parker! That is so cool. Where did you get this from?"

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