The Outsider

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

The next morning Hayley, my twin and I were standing in the hallway of The Greenhouse and I knew this was going to be awkward. I was standing with Hayley and Leo was awkwardly waiting around.

Leo" Wonder if they'll let us watch the launch from the control room"

Hayley doesn't answer.

Leo" Yeah, probably not, so, we're gonna be stuck in a car with Jason for, like, an hour"

Charlie" I know right, I mean, I hate the smell of his aftershave, you know?"

Jackie" Hey, pretty ladies, Thought you could use snacks for the trip"

Hayley" Chocolate chip cookies"

Charlie" Who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies, thanks Jackie"

Emma"You guys are so lucky.I'd give anything to see the launch today"

Hayley" Alex refused to go, want my ticket for free?"

Jason"Absolutely not.Hayley's NASA's guest of honour because of her mother"

Charlie" What about mine?"

Jason" No one is swapping tickets, now come on the car is outside"

Hayley" This is gonna be torture"

Jackie"You'll be fine"

I follow after Leo and Hayley and Jackie mouths good luck to me.

After an hour of awkward silence in Jason's car we finally arrived. We all hopped out and we're greeted.

Official" Hayley! Hi.Look at you, in your Greenhouse uniform.You look so much like your mother"

Hayley"Thank you"

Leo" Hi Leo Cruz and this is my twin sister Charlie Cruz"

Official" Captain of the Ravens very impressive and Charlie nice to meet you"

Jason" Jason Osmond, Dean of the Greenhouse. Honour to meet you"

Official" You're Louis' kid"

He then turns away from Jason, Jason had reached out for a handshake but has been denied. Leo and I suppressed laughter.

Official" So, how is your dad doing?"

Hayley" He's good.Thank you for asking"

Official" Good"

Jason" So, since Hayley here is NASA's guest of honour, we were hoping for a little VIP tour around the facility"

Official" Maybe some other time.I think you can tell we're a little busy at the moment"

Jason" Of course, of course"

Official" Tell Carter I said hi, and Alex, too.In the meantime, make yourselves at home.I promise you, this is the best view in the house"

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