Dangerous delusions

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TRIGGER WARNING: homophobic phrases

(Will Byers POV)

"I feel him." I say.

Everyone stares in disbelief. Silence echoes across the room.

They don't believe me. One by one they quickly make excuses and leave. Even Jonathan.. They dont care. They never cared.

I find myself  in the room with just me and Mike.

"Im sorry will. I really am. I guess its just late thats why they left." he tries to deliver a smile but fails.

"Yeah. Yeah. You're right ." I say hopeless.

Mike bursts out in laughter

I turn to him. Why does he laugh?

"What's so funny?" I ask confused trying to figure out if I missed something.

"Oh nothing. Just you." Mike continues to laugh.

"What?" I  ask confused my voice stern.

"Your pathetic attempt in the van." He says. A smile emerges on the horizon of his lips.

I saying nothing trying process the following words he delivers to me.

"You thought i wouldnt catch on. Im not fucking stupid will." Mike says more aggressively.

"I don't know what you are talking about." My voice cracks into fragments of disarray.

"El needs you mike! You make her feel like she isnt different at all." He mimicks my words  in a child like voice  "I know you were talking about yourself. And I just stayed back to say. I dont want what you have." Mike smirks his face paved with pride.

"What I have?" tears gather in my eyes.

"The disease you get from living in fairy land. AIDS. Or whatever the fuck it is that is growing inside of you. I dont want to be a pansy like you. I thought I made it clear. I tried ignoring you. I tried shoving you away but the truth is I felt bad for your kind. Thats why I kept you close. And now look where its gotten me. Its taken me to wills fairyland of lovers." His eyes burn through my soul as he raises his voice.

" Mike? But your my best friend no matter what? Im sorry Mike. I- I know its wrong to be like me but that doesnt mean we cant be friends... I promise I'll try my hardest to suppress it. To stop thinking the way I think." I cry back pleading with him.

He scoffs "oh stop crying like a fucking queer. That's all you do. Cry. You cry when we fight. You cry when you're scared. Shit you even cried in the van. The disease you carry  has developed for too long. I will never accept people of your kind." Mike snarls.

"Mike? Why are you saying these things? You wouldnt say these things. I know you." I say tears trickling down my cheeks.

"It's funny how you thought there would be a chance of me turning out to be a fairy like you." He laughs. "Your dad was right. You are a fucking pansy." He shouts his voice drenched in rage and disgust.

"Im sorry Mike." I cry more. I move closer in hopes of changing his mind.

He pushes me away in anger.

"Get the fuck away from me you fucking queer." He shoves  me to the floor.

Suddenly, I am drenched in darkness.


" WILL? WILL? WILL ARE YOU THERE WILL COME ON MAN WHATS GOING ON." I hear Mike's voice echoeung at the edges of my ears.

I still roam in the dark.

"WILL COME ON BUDDY." Jonathan's voice follows mikes.

"WILL please." El shouts.

Now many different voices are clashing as they call out to me.

Each voice fights for my consciousness.






Come back to them, Will. Come back.

I regain my sight.

I'm back.

I'm back with everyone.

Beside me is Jonathan and Mike who both have their hands placed on my arm.
And above is the whole group.

I sit up.

"Shit you scared us." Jonathan says.

Everyone lets out a sigh of relief

Mike doesn't say anything and just stares.

The conversation we had before.. that wasnt real? It felt real.

"What the hell happened man." Dustin says

"You werent responding. Your eyes went into a blank stare And well your nose-" Jonathan says still tense his face filled with worry.

"It bleeds." El says coldly her eyes fixated on my nose .

"Oh umm Nothing. I Umm I day dreamed." I feel my cheeks wet with tears. I quickly wipe them away  and then wipe the blood trickling from my nose with my sleeve.  "I umm im tired im going to  go to my room ." I say and then begin to stand up.

Everyone stands up too. I could feel mikes eyes on me. Everyones eyes were on me.

"What were you dreaming about ?" Dustin breaks the tension that was building in the room.

"I- look im tired You should all probably go we can finish whatever this is another time. " I repeat in nervousness.

"What were you sorry for?" Robin calls out. Everyone else stares.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You weren't just day dreaming you were speaking in your sleep too." Steve calls out.

Jonathan exchanges a glance of concern with me.

"What did I say?" I feel my heart race.

"Maybe will should go to his room he seems tired. Really tired." Jonathan puts his hand on my shoulder and leads me out.

"I'm sorry Mike." El says her voice echoing across  the room everyone looks at me.

"What?" I ask confused

"You kept repeating the words:  i'm sorry  Mike." El says.

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