I love you

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We are gonna get both Mike and Will's POV this chapter so sit in tight.. hope you are enjoying<33 also this chapter is longer than the others :)) BTW FOR THE REST OF THESE CHAPTERS WILL has a Cast on  his left arm I just don't want to keep trying to type it


I wake up to hear heavy breathing and Huffs beside me. I turn towards Will. I can barely see as darkness still lurks around in the room. Nighttime. It is still nighttime.

"Will?" I call out concerned trying to get a grasp of the situation.

"Mike? Go back to bed I'm fine. Really, I'm fine." His voice is shakey. It sounds like he has been crying but I can't tell.

"Will? What's going on." I face him realising he is sitting up. I sit up too.

"Nothing. Just go back to sleep." His voice breaks further, becoming more unstable.

I lean to my side to find the lamp and switch it on.

Will immediately glances  to the side.

"Talk to me man." I whisper softly in desperation.

"It was just a stupid nightmare." He wipes his eyes facing me: his voice still fragile.

"You wanna talk about it?" I give him a gentle nudge and a reassuring smile.

He shakes his head looking down his face desolate.

It's as if he has had these type of nightmares before... Maybe vecna's visions?

I wonder what kind of torture Vecna has put him through.

He doesn't deserve to go through this pain... not alone.

I move closer to him on the bed and wrap my arms around him hugging him tight. I embrace his soft sobs over my shoulder.

"It's okay Will. shhhh. I'm here. I'll always be here." I whisper stroking his hair as he buries himself deeper into  my arms. His body is tense at first, but loosens up as seconds pass by . In the heat of the hug there are welding sparks within me. I feel his soul melting into mine; a connection greater than touch.

Minutes pass by and Will breaks away from the hug sniffling as he wipes his tears.

"Thanks, Mike. We should go to bed. " He smiles. His eyes are so beautiful even after crying; His pools of hazel glisten in the moonlight .

"Yeah, Definitely." I smile back turning the lamp light off.

We both lay facing each other.
I move closer, hugging him with gentle arms, still allowing space for him breath. He rests his head on my chest as we both slip into a  soothing slumber.


I wake up earlier then Will, which is understandable, after all the shit he went through yesterday.

I carefully slip my way out of his grasp. For a few seconds, I just sit and stare in his peaceful presence.

He looks so beauty is undeniable.. even while asleep.

I quietly tiptoe out of his room in pyjamas. On my way out I bump into El.

"Oh, shit. Hi! I mean GOODMORNING." I say nervously. I partially forgot about the breakup we had a couple days back.

"Hi, Mike." She smiles . "You slept over..." El looks slightly confused.

"Yes umm...yes.. yeah a sleepover." I stumble on my words.

"In Will's room?" She gives me a glance of suspicion complimented with a grin.

"Umm yeah yeah. I just wanted to make sure he was okay that's all... nothing more." I say quickly. Why did it feel like I was being interrogated? Like I had something to hide.. I didn't. I didn't have anything to hide.

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