Blood Brothers

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Since the night Valencia found out she killed Vicki, she had been avoiding Matt. Whenever she saw him, guilt would take over and she would walk the other way. Sure, she might not have remembered killing Vicki but just knowing that she did was enough to make her not be able to face him.

At first, Matt just thought she was busy but after locking eyes with her in the hallway at school and she immediately turning around, he knew she was avoiding him. He racked his brain over and over but couldn't figure out what he did to upset her. He was determined to find out why but every time he thought he had her cornered she managed to escape. 

It was when he saw Valencia hanging out with his girlfriend that he came up with a plan that involved Caroline's help. He was currently waiting in an empty classroom during lunch waiting for Caroline to play her part. He knew his girlfriend succeeded when he heard the voices of the two blondes and saw them enter the classroom.

"I know you're going to be mad at me but just know that I'm trying to help." Caroline quickly exited the classroom and shut the door behind her, putting all her weight against it to make sure no one could get out.

"Caroline! What the hell?! Let me out!" Valencia pushed against the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Don't be mad at her, I asked her to do it." Matt's voice echoed through the room causing Valencia to jump and hold her hand to her rapidly beating heart.

"People seriously need to stop scaring the hell outta me!" Valencia yelled at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just had no other way to get you to talk to me and tell me why you're avoiding me."

"I'm not avoiding you." Valencia full-out lied and Matt could tell. It was a perk of being best friends since birth.

"Now, you're lying too. And don't say you're not because you have a tell and I know what it is." Matt quirked an eyebrow at her as a way to say your move.

"Sometimes I hate how well you know me."

"Yeah, yeah. Now tell me why you're avoiding me because for the life of me I can't figure out what I did."

Valencia sighed, "You didn't do anything, Matt. It's just been hard since they found Vicki's body. When I see you all I can think about is her and when I think about her, it takes everything in me not to break down crying."

"It's hard for me too. When I see you walking down the halls, I expect to see her walking next to you and smiling and laughing about whatever it was you two were talking about. But, as much as it hurts when I realize she's not going to be there, seeing you reminds me of when she was there. When she was with you, she was always smiling, always happy and those memories are what get me through the day." Matt had tears in his eyes by the end and so did Valencia.

"Not always. Remember when we got into that huge fight over the summer? The one that we refused to tell you what it was about? I was so mad at her that I didn't talk to her for days. I would give anything to go back and just fill those days with endless conversations." Tears rolled down her cheeks and Matt watched her sadly.

Matt nodded as he thought back to those few days. "She was so upset. She thought that she ruined your friendship and that you would never talk to her again. I told her that whatever happened, you guys would be okay. I would like to point out that I was right."


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