Chapter 5

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Mike's Pov:

Oh. my. gosh. WILL LIKES ME??? GDHDJDHDJFG WHY AM I SO EXCITED OMG. Shit. I like Will don't I? Fuck fuck fuck. I shouldn't like Will. He's a boy and I'm a boy.. My dad always told me that gay people were bad and were going to go to hell or something like that. Was that even true? Or was it just another one of his stupid lies? I have no idea. Anywaysss Will and I were in the attic and it was pretty boring. We didn't even talk. Well, we weren't really supposed to, anyway. We occasionally locked eyes for a couple seconds but we both immediately looked back down and I was a blushing mess. Maybe I could talk to him..

I pulled my phone out.

Text message

Me: Pretty boring, huh?

He heard his phone buzz from his pocket which startled him a bit. He looked at his screen and looked back at me with a slight smile on his face.

Will: Yeah, it really is.
Will: Also, can I ask you about something?

Mike: Yeah sure. Anything.

Will: What was going on when you were talking to El outside earlier?

Shit. I forgot that no one, including Will knew that El and I broke up. Looks like he'll be the first to know.

Me: Well uh.. She actually broke up with me. I don't really know why.

Will: Oh my gosh.. Mike.. I'm so sorry.. I know you really loved her.

Me: Yeah, I guess. But that's not important right now.
Me: Anyways.. How have you been doing? I haven't really had a chance to have an actual real conversation with you ever since we picked up El.

Will: I'm fine, Mike. Really. I'm fine.

Me: Alright.. Just know that if you ever need to talk, i'll always be here.

Will: Thanks.

I'm A Mistake- Byler Where stories live. Discover now