Chapter 14

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Mike's Pov:

We both were a little worried when we heard a car pull up, what if it was the people who tried to kill El? What if they were here for us now? We both got up to walk outside and see what it was. Everyone else, besides El, was already out there. 2 of the car doors opened and the people that got out were..

Hopper and Joyce. Hopper was.. alive. Oh my gosh. El is going to be so happy, I know she misses him so much. Hopefully he also doesn't still hate me. I'm also really glad Joyce was still alive too because we thought that she was going to not come back because it's been days and I can't imagine what it could've been like for Will and Jonathan if they lost their mother. I saw Will smiling. Seeing him smile made my heart so happy.

Hopper walked passed us and went inside, I assume someone told him that's where El was. Will then immediately went to hug his mom and so did Jonathan. I stood there and wondered if I should maybe join them but I didn't want to ruin their special family moment. Then I saw Joyce motioning for me to join them. I hesitated but then walked over.

"Why did you want me to join in on the hug? I didn't want to ruin your family moment." I said.

"What? You're Will's best friend and you're practically like family to us. Of course we would want you to join in." Jonathan said. I smiled a bit but then frowned. I noticed Will did too. I think we both were a little sad because of me being called Will's best friend when we were actually more than that now.

"Will honey are you okay? Mike are you okay too? You both look sad." Joyce asked with a concerned look.

"I- I need to tell you something mom" Will said nervously. He looked at me with a look on his face like he was asking me if I was okay with him telling her about us so I just nodded.

"What is it?" Joyce asked. Jonathan looked interested and so did Nancy, who had walked over to us.

"Mike and I.. We're.. we're dating. He's my boyfriend." Will said then sighing of relief.

"Aw Will.. That's great! I'm really happy for you. And i'll support both of you no matter what." Joyce said hugging both of us. Jonathan looked happy for us but there was a bit of sadness in his face. Nancy looked like she was about to die of excitement. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"You owe me 10 bucks Jonathan!" Nancy shouted. Wait what? Jonathan sighed but it was a happy sigh, not a sad one.

"Nancy and I made a bet on when we thought you two would finally get together, if you ever did. I bet that it would be after the end of July and Nancy bet that it would be before then so, I lost the bet." Jonathan said while pulling 10 bucks out of his pocket and handing it to Nancy.

"You guys really bet on us getting together? Are you serious?" Will said. He didn't seem mad though, he was just surprised. I was too.

"Yeah, but seriouslyyy you couldn't have waited longer?" Jonathan asked dramatically.

"Sorry, but we just couldn't wait. I really like Will." I said looking at him with heart eyes. He was really the most beautiful person i've ever seen. Will blushed a bit and just leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Awwww" Jonathan and Nancy said at the same time. Joyce just gave us a big smile.

Then I heard the door open and saw Hopper and El walk out. Joyce saw them and her smiler grew wider when she saw El.

El ran over and hugged her tightly.

"I'm happy.. you went to your... conference." El said after hugging Joyce.

"It was quite the experience." Joyce said smiling.

Hopper saw me and started walking towards me.

"Hey." I said. I was trying to be careful since I wasn't quite sure whether or not he still absolutely hated my guts. He smiled a bit.

"You've grown." He said.

"Yeah. You shrunk." I said smiling. He laughed a bit and then pulled me in for a hug. It didn't last too long but after the hug he said something else.

"I'm sorry for how I handled the situation with you and El and I'll try to be more reasonable next time." He said.

"Actually.. There won't be a next time." I said. I was pretty sure I could tell Hopper about me and Will.

"What do you mean?" Hopper asked.

"Well.. I.. I'm dating Will now." I said looking down. I hope Hopper was supportive.

"Oh. Wow. I didn't really expect that but, if it makes you happy, I won't judge." He said.

"Thank you." Was all I said. I hugged him again for a couple seconds then just smiled and we both walked over to all the others.

I grabbed Will's hand and intertwined our fingers. Hopper did the same with Joyce and so did Jonathan with Nancy. El smiled at all of us but smile the most at Will and I. I think that's the reason she broke up with me. She could tell I really liked Will before I even knew. But everything was still great. Vecna was gone, and I was with Will.

Everything was perfect.

The end.

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