Chapter 1

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"You can't do nothing right! You stupid bitch!!" A real nasty slap hits my face, well that'll surely leave a bruise in the morning. By the way, I only forgot to cook him dinner.

I see the drizzling rain out the foggy window in the living room, it's almost so serene.

"Get your head out of the damn clouds, Aria!" My father says with his breath fanning out the strong smell of alcohol. I look at the stranger before me and don't see any resemblance of my father. The one who use to tuck me into bed and read me bedtime stories as a child. What happened to him?

Or maybe it all was a lie.

"Now, did you at least make me enough money?!!" I roll my eyes. Damn, I shouldn't have done that there's another bruise on my face.

"I made $1,000," I almost spit out. "Good girl, now go make me some food since you can't even do that to begin with," he says patting my cheek he just hit and I wince at the contact.

I simply say with no emotion evident, "yes sir," because if I don't I'll be getting a broken rib again and I have a fight in a few days. I make a good amount of cash in fighting underground rings. I have to make a living off of my skills because my shitty dad makes absolutely nothing to support us so after school I study then fight close to nighttime.

Some background knowledge about me is my mom died giving birth to me. Their were complications and she tragically passed and the only thing I know about her is her name which was Fallon Johnson. My fathers name is Bellamy Johnson and he used to not be abusive towards me up until I got to be a teenager. Which is when my wolf Raven became apart of me and she has quite the attitude if I do say so myself.

Raven can be wild, dangerous, even crazy at times, but most importantly she's one badass wolf.

You're probably wondering why I don't fight back with my dad if I have the ability. One simple reason I still have hope and that will always be my downfall, but doesn't every little girl want to be loved by there dad. Be their daddy's little girl and be spoiled rotten by them. Well, I used to be til things changed when I grew up and my looks changed or thats what I assume happened. My dad always said, "you don't look like her, why?!" I just grew up to ignore his comments and move on with my life.

I'll be 18 this summer, so I have two more months of the school year to make it through. Then, I'll be a legal adult and can move far away without my abusive father. Well, tonight I'm suppose to be going to a club called, "Black Lotus" it's a few hours out of the town I live in. A few fighters from the underground fight ring said they knew of that club. They asked if I wanted to go and I agreed, which I don't really know why I did. Something told me I should go.

I have a motorcycle in the driveway, I'll drive to meet the guys. Also, more about me is my house isn't very big it's a one story house with two bedrooms and one bathroom. I'll admit though my room is pretty nice it has my two favorite colors displayed in it red and black.

I'm now finally done making my fathers dinner and he's happily sleeping on the couch with a beer in one hand. I take that chance and leave my bedroom window open so I can sneak back in later. I roll my Harley-Davidson down the block so my dad don't hear it and I fly down the highway. A few hours later, I see the guys outside of "Black Lotus" the neon club lights blinding. All sorts of people went inside this club I could hardly smell anything with the stench of drunk fools and sweaty, horny people. Bad combo.

Marcus makes eye contact first and he says, "didn't think you'd show." He's standing by the entrance.

"Oh, you know me I like to make men wait," I say walking past them into the loud club that has music blaring. He rolls his eyes while Zander and Ajax walk beside me.

"How's our favorite girl doing?" Zander says while smirking at me.

"Oh, you know same old thing. Fights with my dad." I say nonchalant.

"Do we need to beat him up for you?!" Ajax says with enthusiasm. He never backs down from a fight.

"Nah let's just party!" I say grabbing a shot from the bartender and pouring the burning liquid down my throat. Hours pass and my senses become dull, I can barely walk when suddenly a stranger grabs hold of my hips and grinds themselves basically into my ass.

"Woah there I'm not that kinda girl. So kindly take you your hand off me," I try to say but I ramble like the worst kind of people I hate, drunk fools.

"Oh come on it's fine. I'm just gonna make you feel good, baby," he says and I swallow hard soon I feel like the air has been sucker punched out of my chest. I'm having-

Flashback: ⚠️warning rape scene⚠️

"Dad, I'm home!!" Closing the front door of my house. He comes in view and has a weird look in his eyes an almost crazed expression, one I had never seen in my 13 years. I ignore his weird looks he'd give me at the dinner table. I went over to the sink to clean the dirty dishes we just had ate. When I feel my dads presence behind me like really close behind me.

"Oh, um did you need something?" I ask confused why he's standing so close behind me. Thinking he wanted to ask me a question.

"Well, I wanted to know do you need any help on school work?" He asks and I stupidly say, "yes, if you don't mind?!"

"Never! Anything for my baby," my dad eerily said.

I had my backpack in my room, so I sit on my bed while he sits beside me. I start going over questions when I feel a hand go near my panties. I had only a skirt on because I was just a little girl.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I ask confused and uncomfortable.

"Just hold still I'm only trying to make you feel good," he says and I move his hand away but he puts it back.

"Stop dad this is wrong!" My voice is raised and panic is setting in. I knew what he was wanting to do and I didn't want that.

He starts getting on top of me and his body weight was too heavy for me to get him off of me. I'm screaming at this point saying, "NO!!! Stop!!!"

He didn't listen he rips off my shirt and skirt leaving me in my sports bra and panties. He eventually takes everything off leaving me completely naked. I'm struggling underneath him repeating the same thing over and over, "just stop I don't want this!" When suddenly I feel a sharp pain come from down there and I'm being pushed into the headboard.

End of flashback

I tried so many times to rid myself of that nightmare but I never could. I never told anyone about what he did, I felt gross and embarrassed that my own father would do something like that. It's a very traumatic thing for anyone to go through and sometimes I get ptsd/panic attacks from the memory.

"Breathe slowly and deeply, focus on your breathing and how your air is feeling up your lungs. I want you to remember your in control and focus on my touch." This stranger with a smooth deep voice helps me overcome my panic attack. His touch is soothing me and the most comfort I've felt from anyone in years. It's like tingles all over my body. I can't really see or smell my savior because of the alcohol numbing my senses, but I can make out a tall man with electrifying blue eyes.

When suddenly I hear Marcus call my name, "Aria, there you are! You scared us you walked off and we couldn't find you, are you okay?!!" He asks worriedly for me and I say, "yes, I'm fine now." He hugs my side and helps me into his car since I'm drunk. I feel someone's eyes on me as I walk out. Too drunk to focus on anything, I don't worry about it.

"I didn't drink so I'm taking you and the guys to my place." I just nod and get in the back seat of his truck. I trust these guys because they've been there for me more than anyone in my life has.

I sleepily look out the window and see blurry lights pass by as quick as lightning and I think about that mysterious guy who helped me.

Who was the blue eyed man who helped me?

*Hope you liked this story so far!!
*Like and comment please :)
*If anyone needs any help or just someone to talk. Please, don't hesitate to ask for help from me or anyone you trust. You are not alone! 🙏🏼

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