Chapter 2

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I wake up in Marcus's bed when I get flashbacks of what all went down last night at that club. I hear the guys in the kitchen making breakfast. The guys are werewolves as well so they must know I'm awake by now.

"Shhhh y'all are so damn loud!" Marcus whisper yells at them.

"Sorry!" Zander and Ajax say back.

I walk into the kitchen and say, "it's alright I'm up now what do we have here." I look on the table to see pancakes and bacon. "I will take a piece of bacon then head out, I had to be home like last night," I say worried my dad has woke up to find me missing because he'll do much worse than a hit to the head.

"Awe, but we made a big breakfast and everything," Ajax says with puppy dog eyes. "I'm sorry, I got school bye guys!!" I say waving at them as I walk out into the hallway then they all yell back, "bye!!" Marcus lives in an apartment building that's pretty nice since he makes a good living doing fights. The guys are all 20 years old so they don't have school just there job of endless fights. They are rogues and so am I. We just live in a very human populated small town where no packs are near. I never understood why my dad and I never joined a pack.

I call an Uber and sneak my way into my window without my dad noticing. I come out and run out the door with my backpack and off to school. I get there and mostly everybody steers clear of me because I'm associated with "bad people" or some bullshit. School is pretty easy to me I get good grades, so the school doesn't get me in trouble with my dad. I don't talk to anybody so no one asks unwanted questions about my life.

My dad texts me in class saying he has business for a few days. Odd. Dad never has business he just works at some crappy retail store that pays nothing. Hey, I guess I should be happy, so I'm gonna go shop with the little remaining money I have left. What I said about how nobody likes me. I never said that I don't want to look hot with new clothes.

I'm walking home because the guys are getting my motorcycle later. And I don't have enough cash for another Uber, I spent most on clothes today. It's 8pm so I go walk through the park it's a good short cut to my house. Then I see the stupid fuck boys or what I like to call them. Maybe I can walk away without them seeing me because I loose brain cells near the six of them. "Hey, look who it is the ugly reject!" Jake says to the guys since he's like there stupid alpha but for humans.

"Man, but she's so hot!" Another guy says whispering but they don't know I've got supernatural hearing.

I smile and say, "I know right," flipping my dark hair.

"Hey, wait how did you," he tries to finish his sentence but I cut him off.

"How about y'all go get high, like at your rich daddies house then at a park at 8:00 at night," I say rolling my eyes at there stupidity. "How about you not walk home alone in a park at night, hmm. Do you know how many weirdos there are?," Jake says getting to close to me so I just casually punch him square in the jaw. Yeah, now that's what I'm talking about! He drops on the ground with a bloody nose and I smirk at the other five guys looking.... scared?

"Shit, guys I'm to high for this I'm outta here!!" Jess says running away with the rest of them with there tails stuck between their legs. I'm just laughing like a psychopath while Jake manages to get up. He looks up at me while clutching his bloody nose that has smeared all over his face. He says, "you're one crazy fucking bitch!" He spits at me and I say, "oh, you have no idea, what weirdos are truly out here?!" I get close to him by kneeling down and show him my glowing eyes with a low growl. He backs up and starts running for his life while screaming like a little girl. I just laugh and walk away with my bags in my hands.

Ain't no one actually gonna believe what he saw it's his word against mine. Besides they were all so fucking high it could've been all in Jake's imagination.

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