Chapter 4

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We make it to this huge castle high up in the trees of a mountain. The drive was long and I fell asleep til we made it and it was morning time. I didn't realize he lived so far away from really any town. We make it to the gate in his all black Mercedes car, and I look up to see something flying overhead. I gasp at the site of three fully grown dragons, flying around this huge ancient, medieval castle. I've only ever knew of dragons actually existing from when my dad used to tell me as a little girl. Even then, I thought they were just fairy tales because, I've never really been around packs to know of there legends. I do remember, one story dad told me, dragons choose their owners if they think they are worthy enough.

Cassius speaks up breaking me out of my thoughts "I've had this castle in my family for centuries and it was being built when I moved to America," I'm completely shocked by this because just an hour ago he told me he was 1,000 years ago. This castle is ancient but so beautiful. We cross the bridge that has water around the walls and into the castles courtyard. I get out of his car and look up immediately to see one dragon circling us. Cassius speaks up to say, "none of my dragons will hurt you, ever." I smile at his statement and look back up at him.

"What is its name," I say looking up to the sky at this ferocious dragon. It was a smoky ash colored dragon with orangey-red, glowing eyes.

"Azar, he is a fire-breathing dragon and he is the most protective of this castle and I. He is here to see if you're a threat, but he should know your smell by now." My face scrunches up.

He sees my confusion and says, "Dragons have a strong power that can sense species mate bonds, especially ours," Cassius kisses me lovingly then my forehead and I smile in his embrace.

I look up at him "I saw two others also in the air, what's the others like?" I ask quite interested in this species.

"Actually, I have four dragons in total. Let's go meet the rest and I'll show you," he pulls my arms tenderly to the bridge and points down under the water. I then see greenish algae move, and I jump back. Cassius pulls me close and whispers that he won't hurt me. He has yellow flashing eyes with deep green, webbed wings.

"This is Ladon, he is a water dragon and he guards the water around this castle. Not that their has been intruders for many many years." He laughs and smiles adoringly, at this magnificent creature.

Ladon, comes to the surface with his green, scaly snout right at the wooden ledge. I look to Cassius for permission and he nods, so I gently pet him. The dragon leaned into my touch, then playfully blew out water.

"Heyyyy," I say while wiping water out of my face and laughing. I could see Ladon wanted to play with me.

"Ladon, you be nice! That's my mate," Cassius laughs at him and Ladon huffs then went under water, after being scolded.

"He seems fun and wild. I can't believe you were chosen for not one, but four dragons," I say stunned all over again.

"Yes, they are but quite a handful. They are like my children, they came to me in a time of need and chose me as their worthy owner," I nod and we start walking outside the castle to a cave high up, the side of the mountain that looks iced over once inside.

I can see my breath exhale, when I blew out the icy cold air. We get to the end of the cave to a curled up silver white dragon with pale, icy blue wings.

"Hello Saphira, this is my mate."

She moves around to her full height and her daring grey eyes look into my dark ones. She breathes out freezing cold breath but it doesn't effect my werewolf heat, radiating around me. She then bows her head to me and I do the same to her. She has a glint of respect for me at this, I could see sparkles in her light grey orbs.

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