Chapter 8

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I wake up to my head hurting from I'm assuming all the things that happened last night. I look to my left to see Cassius not even in bed which is odd. I look at the clock and it says 2pm? Dang, I was exhausted. That's when I feel it. I think I'm gonna be sick.

I run to the en-suite bathroom and empty my guts in the toilet. Gross. Just thinking about how I've been lied too my entire life has made me sick to my stomach. I finish and wash my mouth out with water and then brush my teeth. I go out in the long corridor and into the kitchen to find Cassius.

"Good afternoon, my love," he comes over and kisses my forehead. He frowns after kissing me.

"You are warmer than normal are you feeling alright?" He looks worried already.

"I'm fine, just sick to my stomach." I say with a side smile.

"Ari, I'm so sorry. I know he dropped this insane information on you but we will get through this day by day. Until your ready." He gives me his sweetest smile and I smile right back at him.

"So what are you cooking?" I lean over the table to see.

"Well, I know it's noon but I thought I'd make you a Swedish pancake breakfast." He gives me a flirtatious wink and I laugh.

"Sounds delicious! I could eat it all!" I say drooling at the pancakes with syrup being drizzled on it.

"That's the spirit!" Cassius says laying the food in front of me which looks like a crepe. I take a bite and I'm in heaven it's so good!

"Amazing!" I say with thumbs up and Cassius bows.

"My work here is done," he says wiping down the table.

Cassius had already eaten so once I finished we went to the living room just to watch some tv. I laid down on his lap while he played with my hair. I was starting to nod off  from the amazing feeling. Cassius then spoke, "Ari?"  I answer back with a simple, "hmm".

"I was thinking. How about we host a big ball right here in the castle. What do you think?" He asks me.

"Really?!" I say turning to face him and he smiles big with a nod.

"I was thinking how you want to find your parents and this castle hasn't hosted any ball in over centuries." He says reminiscing about the past.

"I think that's a lovely idea! How about a masquerade ball?," I ask with a thrilled expression.

"That sounds mysterious, I like it," he says with an raised eyebrow.

"This castle hasn't hosted for awhile as you say and I'm searching for someone, so mysterious is the best way to go. In my opinion," I say.

"I completely agree. Shall we say in four weeks? To give people time to prepare and us." He asks.

"Yes, that's perfect," I say kissing him and he kisses me back.

He then stops and says, "there is one thing I've been needing to tell you that I have not told you, yet about myself." He says with a guilty expression.

"You can tell me anything," I assure him.

"Okay, you know how I told you my parents were sorta royalty here?" I nod.

"Well... I'm sorta the Vampire King." He says slowly and I look at him like he's crazy.

"What do you mean sorta?" I ask confused by what he's exactly trying to say.

"My parents moved to America from Sweden from the Viking days to seek sanctuary. We were running and they helped finish building this castle with others. Who were vampire lords and ladies as well as us. You see I was born in Sweden as a vampire not human." He shocks me at what he's saying. Because I read there was only ever one vampire birth. That means Cassius is the first ever vampire born not as human but as a full blooded vampire.

"Wait a second, are you telling me you weren't ever human?" I ask with evident shock.

"No. I've been a vampire my entire life. My parents were turned back in Sweden where my mother, years later gave birth to me. They moved to America, to live a new life away from the whispers of my phenomenon existence, because vampires cannot procreate. My family feared for my life and moved me here. Where we lived with the king and queen of all vampires, here in America. The queen Theodora could not have a child as you know and when they knew of me. They declared me the prince of all vampires. Once I was old enough people were scared of me and thought I'd be too powerful. One late night, this castle was under attack by rogue werewolves searching for me, to kill me." He says looking off into the distance.

Cas continues to say, "this entire castle was dripping with crimson blood. The rogue werewolves and rogue vampires had an alliance to end me. They slaughtered the king and queen in their beds. They had also killed my parents. I liked to sneak off to the town center to just be a teen and have fun with the other boys. The rogues didn't know that. As I got back home I was so angry and heartbroken at the sight of my family and friends dead. That I awoken the sleeping dragons." He says with a distant look and I hug him to soothe him.

"What happened as they awoken? If you don't mind," I ask him not wanting to push.

He nods to say, "I felt this surge of energy inside me that coursed through my veins. Almost like their souls were being woven into mine. I could feel, talk, and hear them it was absolutely amazing. All four came flying in the night and the rest is history."

I look at him and say, "I wish I could kill those men all over again." This upsets me on how just because Cassius was different they wanted him killed. And when they couldn't find him, they killed off the rest.

"Trust me all of them died a painful death. Dragons are merciless creatures when something upsets them." He says looking down at me and I nod resting my head on his chest.

"So you became the vampire king after their deaths." I say.

"Yes, but as centuries went on I closed myself off and never wanted to see people. Any species for that matter. I felt cursed I never found my mate so I thought I wasn't worthy to have one or to rule. All vampires know I'm still their king and they'd still have to obey me. They just all fear me after what happened that night. So these gates have remained closed since and when I saw you, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Which gives me the strength to finally introduce myself to my subjects and have you at my side as my queen." He says beaming at me.

"You are most definitely not cursed and I would be honored to be your queen," I say kissing him and he smiles into the kiss.

"We both will overcome our fears together and be united," I say hugging him.

"How did I get so lucky?" Cas says gazing into my eyes.

"Guess waiting for centuries really payed off," I say mischievously with a wink.

He laughs and tickles my sides, "oh really, well you kept me waiting long enough didn't you," he says playfully and I laugh.

"A lady must always be fashionably late," I say grinning at him.


"Always, my king," I say leaving a sweet kiss on his cheek.

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