Chapter 12

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I gasp and stand still whilst everyone in the room begins waltzing again. I look past all the ball gowns moving around me to find a pair of dark brown eyes on my very own. This man wears no mask but I take mine off to get a better look. His face shows no emotion and he takes long strides towards me. Cassius stands between this man and I not wanting this stranger anywhere near just incase. This strangers smell is very homely.

"I know this man! I just don't know for sure if he is-" Raven finally speaks to me which she's been very quiet here lately. She's rambling on and I block her out so I can focus.

"Welcome to our home! You may be?" Cassius asks.

"Alpha Alec West of Dark Shadows pack and you are?," the stranger asks. Wow, he's the father to the twins.

"Cassius Persson, The Vampire King." He tells the Alpha.

Cas turns around and wraps his arms around my waist. The man before me towers over me just as Cassius does.

"This is my lovely mate, Aria Persson," Cassius introduces me to him.

He has dark hair and tanned skin he looks almost identical to me? As I come in Alpha Alec's line of sight his eyes widen. His whole demeanor changes from rigid to calm. It's like his whole body relaxes then tenses as he... looks at where Cassius's hand is placed.

An extremely thunderous growl echos throughout the castle almost shaking the chandeliers. Cassius immediately takes action and moves me back behind him. Everyone in the room stills and looks at where the growl came from. The alpha in front is almost seething at Cassius. I don't understand what did he do? Do they know each other??

"How dare you come into our home and threaten us," Cassius is infuriated just by how his voice is raised.

"YOU stole her away from me and my family?! Why?!" The alpha bellows to Cassius and I move to his side and see utter confusion written on Cassius's face. What is going on??

"Aria, this is our long lost father. After, he just said that I figured out his smell, it's our dad! He thinks Cassius stole you away so he's angry." Raven says this appalling news to me. I'm standing here lost in thought, quite literally. Oh shit, I gotta diffuse the situation.

"What are you talking about?" Cassius asks quizzically with a more calm voice.

"Of course, a vampire that has not found his mate steals my little girl from her crib. What?! Just so you could have your own mate! My sweet Aria gone because of YOU!" He almost howls and all his pack members show up behind him. Including the twins with a look of hurt, anger, and mostly confusion written on their faces.

"That's one hefty accusation! You don't know me and Aria IS my mate!" Cas says angrily as the thunder becomes deafening outdoors.

"I'm going to kill you!!" Alpha Alec yells furiously. Okay that's enough of this.

"STOP!!" I shout over them and they all stop to look at me.

Alpha Alec quickly looks at me and Cassius turns his head, "Cas, my love I can handle this. You can trust them," I say calmly with my hand lovingly on his cheek. He grabs my hand and puts his over mine and up to his cheek. I smile.

"Okay, Ari only because I trust you. They hurt you and I let Azar burn them." He kisses my hand and I smile. I turn around to see the alpha looking pissed, but mostly confused at our affection.

Once Cassius stands behind me the Alpha speaks to me, "I've longed for this moment since the day you went missing. My beautiful little Aria, I can't believe I'm seeing you again." He states looking into my eyes with a saddened look that's makes me want to cry.

"Dad?" I ask. I hear people gasp all around, especially Cassius and the twins.

"Aria, is that really you?" He says with such a low soft voice. His lips are quivering from looking at me.

"Yes, I'm Aria." I say with a joyful smile.

He suddenly, engulfs me in a loving hug and my eyes start to water. I just can't believe I'm meeting my real dad that I never knew about til here recently.
He still has his arms wrapped around me but he looks down at me and says, "you have your mother Fallon's little nose." He chuckles with a grin.

I laugh with a stray tear running down my face. He wipes the tear away from my cheek. As I look back up I see guests leaving except for his pack members. Cassius must have told them to leave.

"Aria, have you been here this whole time?" He asks as his head looks up to around this castle.

"No, I've been here for only 4 months." I say really not wanting to talk about how I thought Bellamy Johnson was my father.

His face is left with questions and I look down at the marble floor.

Cassius steps to my side feeling my discomfort and puts his arm around my waist. I smile wistfully. "Ari, was kidnapped by whom she thought was her real father for many years." He looks directly in my dads eyes.

"By who?!" My dad says getting heated.

Cassius looks at me and I nod. "Bellamy Johnson."
I hear every pack member of Dark Shadow pack gasp. I look at my dad to see his eyes glowing a blood red color. His wolf is present.

"Where is he?!" He says in a deadly voice.

"Being tortured." Cassius says almost to calmly. When I know he's still furious.

There pack looks at us with confusion and surprise. My dad then looks down at the ground and sighs.

"I- I've failed you. My own daughter. I'm so sorry, I never found you sooner," he says with guilt and I walk up to him. I put my fingers under his chin to lift his head and his eyes are watery with tears.

"I've not once blamed you for not coming sooner. Since, I learned your my father I don't care about the past. I just want you in my future. All of you." I say looking around the room. I land my eyes on Autumn and she's crying. Rafael is looking at me with a soft smile.

"You called it, Autumn," I say to her. My dad looks at us and his face shows bewilderment.

"I did, didn't I? Aria you're my older sister!" She says with a laugh and runs to hug me. I hug her back and she calls Rafael to join in.

"We got our older sister back." Rafael states whilst hugging me.

"Y'all sure do." I say smiling.

"Welcome to the family, Aria." My dad and siblings say. Wow, crazy to hear that.

My dad looks at Cassius and he continues to say, "I'm sorry, I accused you without knowing everything. I just saw her and lost it." He apologizes.

Cas goes to shake his hand and he accepts it with a strong handshake. I smile proudly, at my dad and mate getting along.

"I understand. If I thought someone was hurting Ari I'd be livid as well." Cassius says hugging my side.

I smile up at him. That's when I realize the moon goddess was right, my mate would lead me to my family. The only one missing right now is my mom. I now see Autumn looks much like her. While, Rafael looks like my dad and I.

"Would you all like to stay the night? It is late and storming out." Cassius invites them to stay.

"Are you serious?! Please can we?!" Autumn excitedly announces and looks at our dad.

"I want to get to know my daughter more. So yes, if y'all do not mind?" My dad says.

"Not at all, we have plenty of room," I say to them.

Autumn runs to my side and asks if she could have a tour of the castle. I say yes, if she gives me info more on the family and she happily agrees.

I can't believe, I finally have found my family and I feel like I'm on cloud 9!

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