Chapter two: Arrival

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The girl finally stopped talking after fifteen minutes. She wouldn't stop going on and on about what classes she was going to get or how nervous she is. The train was already off so I hope it stays quiet.


I was standing waiting for the teachers to separate the students into their years when the girl from earlier had approached me.

"I forgot to ask, but what is your name?"

"Um...I'm Emma H-Harrington. Uh...and you?"

"I'm Hazal Hogo. Nice to meet you"

"Hazal? What a I-interesting name."

"My mother told me of a language that she learned from a friend of hers. He was a demon...And my name in demonic means-"

"Beauty. Your name means beauty."

She looked at me puzzled and I realized what I said. "H-how...did you..."

" father a-actually studied demonic and t-taught me some of the l-language." I gave her a weak smile

"Oh! That sounds so cool! Would you teach me how to speak it sometime?" I gave her no response and just a small smile

Just then from a distance, there came a voice yelling. "All first years this way!" I looked in the distance to see a giant, it was hagrid!

"You b-best be going. Hagrid will l-leave you behind if y-you don't catch up w-with all the others."

"Wait! What about the other years?"

"You'll see." I gave her another weak smile and she walks away.

Someone tapped on my shoulders and I turned around. It was a boy with orange hair and freckles.

"Im sorry to bother you, but there is a hole in your robe. Also your tie is crooked."

I looked down at my tie and adjusted it then looked back at the boy, acting shy. "I- I'll fix my robe l-later. Thank you."

"Your welcome. Just didn't want you to get embarrassed by a teacher for the both of them."

"Uh...ok. We should be going now..."

"Yeah. Don't want to keep the teachers and staff waiting. You can walk with us if you'd like." He moved his head and behind him was a girl with brown hair

"O-oh um..."

"It's alright. You can walk with us." She said

"O-ok then." I didn't want to walk with this group, but since I'm using my hogwarts personality, I have no choice to accept their polite offer and they are friends with the one I'm supposed to keep a eye on

We walked up the path to the castle. "May I ask what your name is?" Asked the girl

"M-me?" They all nodded. "I'm E-Emma, Emma Harrington."

"I'm Ron Weasely"

"And I'm Hermoinly granger."

"I-it's nice to m-meet you both."

We continued walking for a bit then Harry looked at me. "Your in Slythern right?" I nodded. "You don't seem to act like a Slythern."

"Um...not all S-Slytherns are bad. I-I'm not a bad one, that's for sure."

"Well with your shy personality, you don't seem like you are bad. You also act more like a hufflepuff"

"Everyone always s-says that. Malfoy a-always tells me I'm a d-disgrace to the Slythern tittle."

Herminoe put her hand on my shoulder "You shouldn't listen to that silly ol' gezer. He's just a huge bully who thinks he's better than everyone else."

"I have never listened to him. I have heard far worse from my father than him so his words don't hurt me."

Both of them seemed surprised at what I said, but didn't question me anymore and instead, we kept walking. I also was glad that they stopped asking me questions. It started to feel like they were trying to interrogate me.

We finally got to the castle gates and checked in with flitwick. Once I got all checked in, I started to speed walk to get away from them. I looked back a few time to make sure they weren't trying to catch up to me, which was a big mistake because I had bumped into someone along the way and when I looked up to see who it was, I was shocked to see Severus Snape - the most strict teacher at Hogwarts! I backed up and looked at the ground.

"S-sorry Professor!"

"You best watch yourself Harrington. Were you really in such a hurry to get to the great hall."

I stayed silent for bit then raised my arm to my chest. "N-no. I- uh-..." We we're both silent for a while.

"You best be getting to the grand hall Herrington. The first years will be arriving soon."

"Y-yes s-sir..." I was about to walk off when a question popped into my head and I immediately blurted it out. "P-Professor?"

He sighed heavily. "Yes?"

"W-Why are you o-outside?"

"That is my business, Harrington. Now get inside!" He barked at me. I jumped a little then sped walked to the grand hall. In all Honesty, this wizard scares me a little, but not much. He's just intimidating, is all

I got to the grand hall, got my hat from one of the teachers and sat in the sixth year spot. I put the hat on my head and put it down; allowing my hair to fall into my face.

Other sixth years were all around me and one wouldn't stop glaring at me. My bully Draco Malfoy. I could see him from the corner of my eyes and I didn't like it and yet I let them bully me because I'm "poor defenseless and incapable of standing up for myself, Emma Harrington", instead of "Y/N Ural, the one who wants this place to burn."

The grand hall doors then opened and everyone looked in the direction of the doors. Magonagall walked in; followed by the the first years. They all walked to the front of the hall and got sorted into their houses. We got some more Slytherns in our house.

Everyone begin to eat, but I was hasten, I was hungry, but not for the food on the table. It would sustain my hunger, but not for long.

"Are you alright Harrington?"

I looked up to see a girl staring at me. "I-I'm not h-hungry"

"Are you sure?" I nodded and she not says anything more to me and just continued eating. I decided that I should eat some just to sooth my hunger until tonight. I knew I should have eaten before leaving.

Dumbledor then stood up and went to his potum. He introduced a new teacher at Hogwarts - Slughorn, I think. He was going to be the new potions teacher while Snape was the defense against the dark arts and then started telling the story of a young boy called Tom Riddle, which made everyone shift in their seat and whisper to each of other. I only shifted in my seat because I knew......

Dumbledor then released us and so everyone started to go back to the dorms. I, however, was stopped by a small hand. I turned around and saw Hazal, the girl from earlier. She was following the Slytherns

"I got the same house as you!"

"Oh! Y-You did? That's amazing. Hope y-you do well in Slythern. Now let us go to the d-dorms before a teacher or prefect says s-something to us." We hurry to the common room.

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