Chapter six: The sketchpad

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In the grand hall one evening, everyone was talking about Slughorns Christmas do. We are meant to bring someone, but I don't think I'll be going. I wasn't invited and no one is going to ask me anyways...

"Hey y/n!" Said a girl across from me.


"Has anyone asked you to the Christmas do?"

"N-no. And...I d-don't think I-I'll be g-going anyways..."

"Why not?"

"N-no one is g-going to a-ask me any-anyways s-so what's the p-point o-of going? I a-also wasn't invited."

"I'm sure someone will ask you!" Said a eager boy next to the girl.

"You can always go with us if you don't get asked. Me and Haperd are going as friends anyways."

"O-oh! Um I-I don't have a-any f-friends"

"That's rough..."

It went silent for a bit then the boy next to the girl asked me something. "Are you going to the Quidditch match?"

"N-no. I don't like Q-Quidditch."

"But it's our house against Gryfindor! Surly you don't want to miss it!"

"I-I don't k-know. I don't r-really like s-sports."

"Well if you decide to join us, we'll be at the match this afternoon."


I was in the courtyard drawing the school while everyone else was at the Quidditch match.

"Why be drawing here when you could be a the match?" The voice had scared me and I shot up from out of my seat. It was Professor Snape!


"Why are you here and not at the match?"

"I-I don't l-like sports..."

"May I see what your drawing?"

"Uh..." I slowly start to hand my sketchpad to Snape. He gently reaches out and takes it while I look at the ground.

"You drew Hogwarts? This is...ok, Harrington."


He's started to flip through the pages, which kinda worried me. He was so noisy and it was kinda annoying.

"Your in my house right?"

"Y-yes sir."

" act nothing like a Slythern"

"I h-have been t-told..."

"But I have seen you do spells and they are...quite...interesting." He continued to flip through the pages until he flipped to one that interested him. "Is this Dumbledor?" He showed me the page.

"I drew t-that years a-ago, but y-yes."

"It's...good." He flipped through the pages. "Magonagall? Flitwick?..." he came across a page that stumbled him. "Is" I gasped at his words as he showed me the drawing of him.

"I-I..." I tried to snatch the sketchpad back, but he moved away. "Give I-it back p-please p-professor!" He shoots me a small gin

"Why are you so eager to get it back now?"

I don't say anything and go for the sketchpad again and he moves away once more. I go for him a third time, but he moved away and I fall on my face into the ground.

"Are you...alright?"

"I-I'm fine..." I get off the ground and see Snape looking at me. My cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"You have snow in your hair." He committed. I wipe the snow out of my hair then try and go for my sketchpad once more. I bumped into him and stumbled backwards. His arm other wraps around my waist and I caught onto his vest. I make a small yelp noise

"I'm s-so s-sorry professor!"

"It's alright. I'm the one who keeps moving your sketchpad away from you so you can't get it."

I made a realization...our faces were inches apart and our bodies were close! I gasped which made Snape realize how we are, but neither of us moved. My face goes bright red and I began to panic, but I hid it well. I heard something hit the ground and then Snapes other arm wrapped around me! And while he was still holding my sketchpad...

He leaned in closer and so did it, but then I pushed him away and back up some milliners away from him. I cleared my throat. We both said nothing and just stood there in awkwardness

I then saw my sketchpad on the ground. I let my wand slide down my arm and into my hand. I made eye contact with Snape and he began to opened his mouth, but before he could, I said a spell and pointed at my sketchpad

"Wengardium Leviosa!" The sketchpad was in my hand and I immediately ran off with it. I ran all the way to the common room and to the dorms. I burst into the room, and good thing no one was in there, otherwise I would be getting a lot of girls staring at me right now.

I walked to my drawer and placed my sketchpad inside of it then sat at the window and looked outside. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened.

I stared out the window until I heard the door rattle. I slipped into a shadow next to me and left the room while the other girls went in disappointed. I think that means we lost the match...


It was time for the Christmas do...I decided to go, although, I had no date...I still went for some reason...I mean...I was invited by Beatrice so I could...technically go...

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