Chapter fifteen: The Dark Forest Part 3

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I started to run faster so I could try and stop her. She was so far ahead that i was struggling to keep up so I had no choice but to go into the shadows and catch up to her that way. i had to use the energy that I just got. I managed to catch up to her, but it was too late and she was where there was a bunch of cobwebs. I immediately grabbed her. "Are you fucking crazy!?! This is dangerous territory! If we don't go now we are going to be killed!" I said in a loud whisper.


"This is the territory of Aogog, a huge spider and the king of the spiders in the forest. He will set his children on us if we don't go!"

"Did you say a spider?!? We have to go now!"

"No shit! Come on now!" i grabbed her wrist and turned around, but before i had the time to walk, three large spiders came crawling at us so i turned back around, but only found that a bunch more spiders are gathering all around us. They stopped a few feet from us.

"Well Well. Look who came back. You should of known that the next time we saw you in our domain we are suppose to kill you. Father will not be pleased to see you again. Now turn around or well eat you on the spot." I chuckled nervously then turned around. I couldn't escape this time by flying away due to Hazal being here with me. The whole time we walked to Aogog, Hazal had her eyes closed and was clinging to my arm. We finally got to a spot that is just covered in cobwebs. Soon a huge spider emerged in front of us. I heard Hazal let out a little yelp. She is defiantly scared of spiders. "Look who is back father."

He looked at me with all of his weird eyes. "Well Well. Emma...while you were rnning away last time, i told you not to come back didnt I?"

"I'm sorry. M-My friend here i-is the one w-who r-ran into your territory. I o-only tried t-to stop her w-when she was running b-but i c-caught up to her t-too late. Please forgive us and l-let us go?" I chuckled nervously.

"Let you go? You are in my territory. You have not power here Emma. I also can't let my children let their meal go." His children started creeping towards us

"D-did he just call us both a meal? Are they going to eat us Emma?"

"Not on my watch!" As the ugly hairy spiders came towards us. I was looking for shadows to slip into to. I saw one next to a spider. It was risky, but I had no choice. "Hazal?"


"You have had your eyes closed this whole time right?"

"Yes, I have."

"Good. I need to to keep them closed and trust me."

"You don't have to tell me twice!"

"Ok ready? Three..." I grabbed her arm that was clinging to me. "Two." I positioned my body to run. "One!" I yelled then ran for the shadow. A spider grabbed Hazal by the foot and dragged her away before I could go into the shadow

"Ah! Emma!" I ran towards her and grabbed her arms. The spider and I practically are playing tug of war with her. I manage to get her free and I run for a shadow while dragging her with me. I slipped into it and got as far away as I could before my energy ran out. The sun started to come up as I jumped in.

I slipped out and placed Hazal against a tree. "Are you alright?!?"

She giggled. "Bepodeom"


"Leg..." I looked at her leg and saw to big bite marks.

"Shit! You've been bit by that spider. I need to get you to hagrid!" I picked her up and ran as fast as I could to hadgrids hut. I ran out of the forest and saw him in his garden, "Hadgrid! Hadgrid! Help!" He looked at me then came towards me. I made tears hall up in my eyes

"Hello Emma. What er' you doing up so early?" He looked down and saw Hazal. "Good gods! What happened?!?"

"One of Aogogs children bit her! Do you know how to counteract the poison before she dies. I fear she doesn't have much time left."

"I don't know anything! I'm sorry Emma."

I sighed. "Could you take her to the hospital wing while I go find Dumbledor or someone who will know how to counteract the poison?"

"Sure thing. I'll get her there as fast as I can."

"Thank you."

"I would like to know why you were in the forest though."

"I'll explain later, just get her to the hospital wing please?!?" He nodded and I ran as fast as I could. I ran up and down the halls to find someone to help, but had no luck. I then saw Dumbledor, Magonagall, Snape, and Slughorn walking out of the hospital wing. I stopped to take a quick breath then turn and run towards Dumbledor "Professor Dumbledore! Professor D-Dumbledore!" All of them stopped and looked at me. I stopped right in front of Dumbledor and caught my breath.

"Emma? What's the matter?" He asked me

"I-I'm so s-sorry! She w-wanted to go and I-I c-couldn't say no, b-but now she...s-she i-is h-hurt really bad!" Tears fell down my face.

"Whoa whoa. Calm down child and tell me a little slower."

I took a deep breath. "H-Hazal wanted to go into the forest...s-so I took h-her. We r-ran into the spider k-king and one of h-his children bit h-her! I a-am so sorry!"

Everyone gasped. I then heard giant footsteps behind me and I turned around. Hagrid was carrying Hazal

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