Chapter eight: Holidays Part 1

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We stared at each other for a few seconds then Snape stood up and extended his hand to me. I took it and we both stood up.

"Thank you. I would have...lost control if you didn't allow me to drink your blood." He didn't say anything. "I must be going now. The train leaves soon for the holidays."

"Your going away for the holidays?"

"Yeah. My siblings expect me to be home to spend time with them. Bye now Severus." I ran into the wall, into a shadow and left Severus alone.


Today was the day that the train was leaving for the holidays. I couldn't wait to see Luke and Ellie. I placed my luggage into the train.

I was holding my bird in front of my face and just looking at him. I wasn't paying attention and bumped the cage into someone. I looked up and saw Hagrid. He turned to me.

"S-sorry Hagrid." I put my owl down and looked at the ground.

"It's alright Emma. You best be watching yourself now."

"I-I was looking a-at my o-owl sir and w-wasn't pay-paying attention. I'll m-make s-sure I am n-next t-time."

"It's alright now. Best be getting on the train now." I looked up at him.

"R-right!" I looked next to him and my eyes widened. Snape was next to him!, but why is he at the train station? I looked back a hagrid then grabbed my owl and sped walked off onto the train.

I walked to a empty train car at the back of the train and sat in it. I took out my sketchpad and began to finish some of my drawings. Suddenly I heard the car door opened and in walked Hazal.

"What are y-you d-doing here? Are a-all the other c-cars f-full a-again?"

"No actually." I sat up and looked at her puzzled. "I wanted to sit with my friend."

"F-Friend?" I questioned her.

"Are we not friends? We did hang out a few times during the semester."

"Um...I-I have no f-friends."

"You don't? Oh...well I thought...I thought we were friends..." She stood up.

"Wait!" I grabbed her arm. "I-I'm sorry. I-I have n-never had a-a friend before. N-No one has e-ever w-wanted to be f-friends with me." She sat back down. "We c-can be friends." She smiled at me. "H-How was y-your first ever semester a-at Hogwarts?"

"It was alright. I think I'll like it here."

"That's g-good to h-hear." It went silent for a bit before Hazal began talking again.

"May I see your drawings?"

"Oh...U-Um.." I had trust issues with it now after...that day because I didn't want any more mortals to see all the creatures in it.

"I won't touch your sketchpad, I promise." She smiled at me. After a few seconds, I nodded and she sat next to me. I started flipping through the pages showing all my drawings to her. She kept asking me questions about all my drawings.

"Is that a unicorn? Those actually exist?"

"Yeah. T-They are in the dark forest. There are a-all kinds of c-creatures i-in there, though, n-not all of t-them are friendly."

"How do you know?"

I gave her a smile. "Don't t-tell anyone, but s-sometimes I w-will sneak out of t-the castle a-at night just to go d-draw them."

She gasped. "How have you not been caught yet?!?"

"I'm r-really g-good at hiding."

"I bet those creatures are so cool!"

I chuckled. "They a-are. Well t-the ones who a-are friendly a-anyways."

We went silent and I continued to flip thought the pages. The first pages were filled with creatures of the dark forest that I had befriended last year. We got to a Chimera and she gasped.

"How did you draw that? I heard those creatures are extremely aggressive!"

"It w-was extremely h-hard, but I-I managed to befriend o-one. It took m-months."

"You actually befriended one?" I nodded. She then gasped in realization. "After winter break, can I go with you to the forest one night and introduce me to the creatures in your sketchpad?"

"Oh..u-uh..A-Are you sure?"

"Yes! I actually have a interest in magical creatures!"

"Um..." I paused for a few seconds, contemplating if I should take her one night or not. I have no idea how I would even get her out without getting caught. Maybe I could take her into the shadows with me? She would have to be closing her eyes though. "Ok f-fine. One d-day when t-the break is over, I'll sneak I-into your d-dorm and w-wake you u-up so we can go to t-the forest." I paused. "BUT. You c-can not t-tell anyone o-ok?"

"Deal." She gave me a hug. I gasped. No one ever hugs me, but Ellie. She just keeps giving me more reason to miss my siblings...

"Uh...can y-you get off m-me now?"

"Sorry." She let me go. "So what else is in your sketchpad?" I flipped through it the pages and they were just random stuff I saw in the school. We then came across the pages of the Professors I drew. "Why have you drawn some of the professors?"

"They are t-the professors that I-I look u-up to the m-most."

"You look up to Flitwick and Magonagall? Kinda makes sense. I noticed your really interested in Charms and Transfiguration." She flips to the next page. "Professor Snape?!? Why him?"

"I drew S-Snape when h-he was the p-potions teacher. Back then I-I was r-really interested in i-it."

"He was a potions teacher? I never knew."

"He w-was last year, but t-then he got promoted to d-defensive against the d-dark arts this year. Did y-you not h-hear the announcement at the b-beginning o-of the year?"

"I guess I wasn't paying attention. My bad."

I flipped through the last pages. "Your really talented."



The train finally arrived at platform nine and three quarters. Everyone was getting their stuff from the car. Once I got my stuff, I looked around to see if I saw anyone.

"Emma!" I looked and saw Ellie and Luke! I left my trolly and ran to them.

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