Chapter twenty-four: Another House

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Me and Hazal are sitting on the train on the way back to the Kings Cross Station. We hardly talked after I told her what I really am and what my real name is. She didn't seem like she was scared of me and actually accepted me for who I am. I was glad that someone accepted me...

We finally got to the station and I got my stuff. I look around and couldn't find Luke or Ellie. In the letter, it said that they would be here to greet me, but it looks like the decided not to show up. I guess i might as well go and ask...him...if he would help me out. I hate that I have to ask the dark lord for help with this or I could go to the safehouse that father bought on earth until the time being.

I start walking towards the exit when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Luke, I immediately hug him. Once we split apart, I saw Ellie walking up behind him so I hug them too. I was so happy to see the both of them, but my happiness didn't last long when I remembered that I couldn't stay with them this summer. Tears formed up in my eyes and one rolled down my face. Luke caught the tear before it rolled down of of my chin and onto the floor.

"I know, I know..." He says, trying not to sound sad.

"Where will you go sissy?" Ellie asks.

"I might go to the safehouse. Hopefully I can survive all the way out there." They both looked at me puzzled. "What?" I ask, confused by their expressions.

"Your not allowed there...Father told the servants there to not let you stay there. He is really mad at you."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Where am I going to go?!? That was the only option I had! I don't want to ask him for help! I absolutely hate this job and working for him, you both know that!"

Luke put his arms around me and whispered. "Yours eyes are glowing. Clam down before someone sees and becomes suspicious of us" I sighed and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. I opened my eyes and Luke let me go. He cleared his throat. "We should head back. I hope you can find somewhere to stay."

"I hope so too sissy." Ellie says then leans into my ear. "I'm going to try and visit you in the summer if I manage to sneak out of the underworld." They whisper and lean back.

I smiled. "Thank you Ellie, but your just saying that to make me feel better."

"What? No. I actually will try to visit you when you find a place and i can sneak out. I want to see my sissy over the summer!"

i giggle then hug them one last time. "Ok. Now go ahead and head home. I'll have no choice, but to go to him and ask for his help" I sigh disappointedly. I then felt another person tap on my shoulder so I turn around. A weird group of people are looking at me. Two of them are wearing masks that covers the bottom half of their face with and the other one looks really intimidating. "Um...May i help you?"

"The boss wants to see you, he says its urgent." I felt my stomach twist into knots at his words. I know that he is talking about the dark lord and he wants to see me...which cant be a good thing, especially considering the current situation I am in with father.

"Um..Ok" I turn back to Luke and Ellie. "Bye guys." I waved to them then walk away with the death eaters. We got to an ally and the one of them put their hand on my shoulder and we all turn into a black cloud then floated away.


I walk down the dark hall of the Malfoy Manor with a death eater behind me. He escorted me to the Dark Lords room. He knocks on the door and I hear the door unlock. He opens it for me and i step inside. Voldemort is looking at the collection of wands on his wall. When he hears the door close behind me and I block my mind, he talks

"I herd from your father that you and a teacher did...something...It this true?" He turns around to face me.

"Um...It was true. Before I got the letter that I can not return home for the summer, I had actually already told the teacher that we shouldn't be a thing."

"Who was the teacher?" He asks, intrigued and annoyed.

"Why does that matter?" I snap.

"I'm just curious as to who would fall for a student, let alone a monster like you."

"The teacher doesn't know and will never know just like all the teachers."

"That's good." He disappeared then reappeared behind me. I felt his arm wrap around me, but I didn't react, though, it did make me feel uncomfortable. He bent down to my ear. "I assume you know about Dumbledore?"

"Yes. Every since his death, its all the students talk about. They are morning him." He let out a laugh as he bent back up. He pulled me closer to him and I felt his other hand play with my hair. "My enemy is dead! Nothing can stop me now." He laughed again then let go of me and i turned around; backing away from him. "You can go back to that home of yours Ural."

I had nowhere to go and hesitated to ask him. I had no other options left, but to... "M-My Lord?" I looked at the ground.


"...Father said that I am not allowed home for the summer so...I have nowhere to go..." He looked at me puzzled for a few mere seconds then let out a laugh.

"Ah, yes. He told me about your betrothal dinner, guess he's still on about that and this thing with a teacher thing only made it worse. You can stay in one of the guest rooms until the time being. I'll let the Malfoys know. Now leave!" He opens the door and I walk out as fast as I can. I wasn't watching where I was going and bump into someone.

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