Chapter thirty: So many Questions

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I quickly get up and grab my mask then sit back down on the bed and without looking up, I put up two fingers, wave them and the door opens. I continued to polish my sword as whoever knocked walks into the room. I look up and see that Narcissa is looking at me in surprise.

"Is that a sword dear?" She asks, curious and kind of scared.

I look back down at my sword and continue polishing it "Yes. We demons don't use wands like you wizards and instead we use our magic and swords to fight. I merely use a wand to hide the fact that I don't really need it."

"That seems unfair, don't you think?"

"We usually don't fight wizards or any other beings so it does seem fair."

"What do you do when you do fight a being that is not another demon? And why swords?"

I let out a annoyed sigh. "You ask too many questions."

"You said we could talk in the morning. I got up early to talk dearie."

"I merely said that to get you to go back to bed, but since you took it literally..." I sigh deeply. "I guess we" I look up at her once more. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well...I have a lot of questions if you don't mind me asking?"

I sigh once more. "I'll answer some questions."

"Ok then. Starting with the question I asked earlier...What do you do when you do fight a being that is not another demon and why swords?"

"Swords are good for a number of reasons. It's not exactly saying a spell and it happens, but it's much easier and much more fast. And we will still use a sword when fighting another being depending if the situation calls for it, otherwise, we just straight up use our magic."

She pauses for a moment. "You work for The Dark Lord...which means you are a death eater. May I see your mark?"

I sigh and the lift up both of my sleeves. "Yes, I work for him, but I am not a death eater. I'm forced by my father to work for The Dark Lord to pay back his debt."

"Kind of curious what the debt is?"

"I'm also curious. Every time I bring it up with father, I get yelled at or he sends me to the pit."

It was silent for a bit and I could the many questions in her mind, but she has no idea what to ask first. "Is...Is the bad as...everyone says it is?"

"What? Who told you that it's bad? The only bad thing there is the pit and level number five."

"Bad souls go there...don't they? And are they not tortured with fire?"

I let out a annoyed sigh. "These stereotypes are so annoying! No one is burned unless you get sent to the pit. Level number five just tortures you with complete darkness and no sound at all...not even your voice." The last sentence I said sounding a little smug and horror filled her face.

It went quiet again and I got curious this time. She is letting a vile man into her home, so she must be on his side or she is scared of him. I finally broke the silence with the question that started floating around in my head.

"You are a death eater aren't you? You let him into your home and he even sleeps here. You thought I had the mark so do you have one?"

She rolls up both of her black sleeves. "I don't have the mark. I am apart of The Dark Lords inner circle by default. My husband and sister are Death eaters. My cousin and brother-in-law was also one." She pulls both of her sleeves back down.

"Your son, Draco, is also one right?" I look at her once again and this time I stand up, holding my sword behind me. "Your son is such an ass by the way. Did he get it from his father?"

"How do you know Draco?" She gives me a suspicious look.

"Do you know what my mission is?" She shakes her head and I walk to the bed. "I turn myself into a student to spy on the Potter boy. I am in the same year as him, though, not the same house." I turn around to face her. "I'm am in the same house as your son...and he is constantly bully's the Potter boy and some others. I am among those people." She doesn't react or say anything and just looks at me. "You seem like a nice Lady so he couldn't have possible got it from you. He got it from his father, correct?" Her eyes shift to the floor. I let out a small giggle. "I'm a very observant demon." I look at the ground and whisper to myself "Have to learn when your in my family......"

"What?" I look at her.

"Nothing..." I walk back over the table; place my sword down then walk to her and stop; just a few feet from her. The look in her eyes tells me she doesn't want to serve The Dark Lord anymore and she wants to find a way out it it. "You don't want to do this, but are forced to by a various amount of people in you life and don't want to be seen as a trader. Am I correct?" She looks at the ground.

"I though I was the one asking the questions?" She mumbles

"You asked questions about me. Why can't I ask in return?"

"B-..Because I only was curious. I don't would be too..."

"I'm always curious about you mortals. So...fascinating." I let out a evil giggle

The window suddenly opens and a black cloud appears. Me and Narcissa look in the direction as the cloud turns into a figure. Narcissa's eyes go wide and my eyes turn into fake anger. The figure turns into Severus.

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