Chapter Twenty-Six: Close Call

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My breathing became heavy and tears roll down my face as Snape stands up and pulls the branches off of him. "Are you fucking crazy?!? What memory did you even look at?" My breathing is still heavy and i began trembling. Snape becomes concerned and runs to hug me. He sighs and put his arms around me and my head went into his chest. "What memory did you look at, Carnation?" Did he me... Carnation? He words send a calm sensation through my body and calm me down a bit.

I close my eyes and put my hand on his chest so that I could push myself away from his chest. I look up at his with tears rolling down my face. "The boy has to order for the dark lord die?" I whispered and his eyes go wide for a second then his expression turned to sadness.

"You saw THAT memory..." He sighs once more. "Yes...Harry must die if Voldemort is to die himself..." More tears roll down my face and i put head back into his chest and continued to cry. He pulls me closer.

"You care about Potter?"

"I have watched him in the shadows for years. He is actually a good person and I always wanted to befriend him, but always chicken out." I hear him let out a short chuckle.

I look up at him once again and he looks at me. He then leans down closer to me and I raise my head to meet him. Our lips touch and I feel his hands go to my side and he pulls me closer to him, the kiss sends what feels like a thousand tiny sparks through my body. I sat on knees and leaned into him. He pulls me on top of him then slowly pulls his lips away from mine. "I could loose my doing this with a student. Your technically underage."

"Well...If you think about it i am not actual a student...I'm actually over eighteen."

He looks at me puzzled. "I know its rude to ask, but may I ask your actual age?"

"Oh! Um...Are you sure you want to know?" I put my hand behind my back.

"Well, yes and no. I want to know because your a demon and I heard that demons can live for thousands of years and no because it is rude to ask for anyone's age."

"We demons don't actually care about our age so we don't mind telling people. I'm one-thousand two hundred and sixteen years old (1,216)"

"That's a lot older than me. It was to be expected, but anyways let stop talking and get back to what we were doing." His hands slide to my waist and he pulls me even closer to him.

He presses his lips to mine then I feel his lips slide down to my neck, sending a sensation through my body as I long for more. My hands went to his chest and grip his shirt as my breathing picks up. He then puts both of his arms around me and he began standing up. My arms went around his neck so I wouldn't fall. He sat on the bed and his hands go to my waist again. I made a bold move and took his cloak off of him. His hand went up my shirt and his hands started to touch my body everywhere. He then took my shirt off and kissed my titties. I grabbed his shirt more tightly. He continues to kiss me everywhere for the next few minutes then there came a knock on the door.

We both looked at the door and freak out then I immediately get off of him. He quickly puts his cloak back on and i put my shirt back on. I grab my mask and put it on.

"Take out your wand!" I whisper to him.


"Just do it!" He takes his wand out. "Now point it at me." He looks confused. "Act like we are fighting! Shoot me with a spell and act mad. I'll explain later" He didn't like the idea, but did it anyways.

"Expelliarmaus." I managed to keep the spell away from me and the spells became at a impasse. The door opened and in walked a death eater. He became shocked at the scene and pulled out his wand. I deflect his spell to him and knocked him out of the room. He flew into the doors causing them to break off the hinges and into the hallway. I can hear footsteps down the hall

"Hit me again quick!" He shot the spell again and i dodged it. The woman from that night in the astronomy tower ran in and followed her are two other death eaters. I then shot harmless demonic spells at him and he deflected them. She took out her wand and started firing spells at the both of us, trying to stop us. I shot a spell at her and knocked her down. She shot a spell at me while I wasn't paying attention and I fell to the ground then shot a spell at Severus and knocked him to the ground. She then gestured to the death eaters and they apprehending us.

"What the hell is going on and why are you both dueling inside!?!" She looks at me. "And you! Who the hell are you!?!"

I looked at Severus with a angry face and he did the same. "He started it." I said in my demonic voice. He scoffed at me.

"You threw me into my shelf and i lost a good amount of my potions due to it! You deserve what came to you."

I growled at him. "You made me angry! You had what came to you!"

"Enough!" Shouted the woman.

"I thought you two got along? I guess I was wrong." The Dark Lord said walking into the room and looks at the both of us. "What started this?"

"We got into a fight at Hogwarts and have hated each other since, My Lord." I say.

He shook his head. "I don't approve of this dueling inside. if you are to settle something then do it outside!"

The woman tapped his shoulder. "Yes Bella?"

"Who is she if I may ask?"


Sorry that it has been over a month since I last posted a chapter. I haven't had any motivation to do any writing and my life irl has gotten really busy. This chapter is not that good and I left it on a lousy cliffhanger. I will try my best to make sure that cliffhanger turns out to be worth it. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying the book so far <3

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