Chapter twenty: Hospital wing Part 2

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Dumbledore walks to the other side of the bed; places my sketchpad on the desk and grabs the medicine and glass from off the small desk. He then hands them to me. "The nurse said you can go after you take this."

"T-Thanks." I take the glass and pill into my hands then i take the pill. "Before you go. I would like to know if you recognize this?" He holds up the feather. The feather is black and has rugged edges. It is stiff and the stem is a light grey. I recognize it as my feather from my wings, but didn't react to seeing it and only became puzzled by it.

"I-I have never s-seen something w-with feathers l-like t-that. Where did you f-find I-it?"

"We found it on your robes. We thought maybe you would know what animal it was from."

"W-Why would you t-think that?" I look down at the blanket and took a sip of the water that is left in the glass.

"You have been sneaking out to the forest haven't you?"

"I-I h-haven't d-d-done that since I got d-detention for it..."

"I know, but when you did sneak out you did get information on some of the creatures there. Am I correct?"

"I-I only k-know about t-the friendly c-c-creatures. I h-have almost died a-a great m-many times from the n-non-friend-friendly ones."

"Well. Guess no friendly creatures have this type of feather?"

"G-Guess not."

"Alright. We shall leave you to change and get back to your dormitory." He then leaves the room. Severus looks around the room then walks to me.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"I-I'm fine." There is no one else in the hospital wing with us. He bends down and kissed my head then stood back up. I look up at him and slightly smiled. I can barley see it, but he has a small smile on his face too.


"I look like you...needed it." I look back down at the sheets "You should put your robes on...and head back to your dorm. I'm sure Miss Hogo is waiting for you."

"O-Ok" I look up once more

I can't help myself and smile at him, I could barely see it, but he also still has a slight smile on his face then he leaves

I get my robes from off the chair that is near the small table and get out of bed. I close the curtain and change into my robes. I then open the curtain and saw the nurse walk towards me; holding some papers in her hand. "Good your finally up.  I assume that Dumbledore told you that you could go as soon as you woke up."


It was silent for a bit as I grab my sketchpad from off the small table and turn around. The nurse was smiling at me. "I have never seen Severus care so much for a student. You must be very special to him."

"Who is S-Severus?"

"Severus is Professor Snape. I'm surprised that you didn't know that, though all students call him Snape, but with you, I thought you would have known."

"Sorry n-no. I don't know Snape t-that well. He honestly s-scares m-me."

"He scares all the students or intimidates them."

"W-Why would you s-say that P-Professor S-Snape c-cares about me?" I look down to hide the blush on my face.

"He came to visit you whenever he had the chance while you were passed out. If that doesn't mean your not special to him then I don't know what does." It fell quite. "Now it is almost the end of the day so I suggest that you head back to your dorm. Here is the assignments that your teachers have prepared for you. This is all you missed when you were out" She hands me the papers and I look at them. So many assignments that I need to catch up on. Slughorn assigned a Amortentia assignment that I missed. A assignment from muggle studies, a spell from charms, something for care of magical creatures, and I have an assignment on something for herbology. I have a lot of work ahead of me...

"T-Thank you. I'll get started o-on them as s-soon as I-I g-get back to my d-dorm."

"One more thing before you go. I advise that you don't have a relationship of any kind with Severus. He could lose his job and you could get expelled. Have you not seen the way he is with that Potter boy? He bullies him and his friends and I even saw him bullying some other students."

"Um...T-Thanks for the a-advice? Not sure w-why I would need i-it when I am scared o-of h-him and t-t-try to stay away f-from him when I-I-I can."

"Doesn't seem like he wants you to stay away from him, but anyways, you best be going back to your dormitory and get started on those assignments."

I nod then walk out of the hospital wing. I make my way to the common room. When I got there, I saw some students sitting on the couches. I assume that their classes ended early and they came back to the common room so I headed to the stairs and went to my chamber. I place my assignments on my bed then organize them by whos i was most likely to get done first. I then begin to do all of the work.

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