Chapter twenty-Eighth: Nightmare

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A/N: This chapter totally doesn't foreshadow some other chapters in this book;)

I open my eyes and am I standing in a complete void. I walk forward to find only more of the void. I continue walking for a few seconds, then in the distance, I can see something. As I walk towards it, I can make out someone with brown hair from the back and he is squatting over someone who's holding their neck. After they leave, I then walk in on the scene and tears build up in my eyes. I walk closer and squat down then I hold the persons hand so I move over to see who it is, but before I saw who the figure is that I'm holding the hand of, it all disappears into a black cloud and floats away into the air.

I continue walking through the void. After walking for a while, someone walks past me. I follow who it is and when I got there, I saw myself looking in a mirror surprised and then I smiled and ran off. The memory disappears like the other one did.

I see another thing and walk towards it. I see that it is three people and one of them is me. I step closer and there appears half of a table. The second and third people, I made out to be Snape and Voldemort. Snape looks really angry. The conversation is muffled, but I can make out some words

"In" Some of Voldemorts words.

"I refuse...share...self-absorbed..." Some of Snapes words.

"refuse!" Some of my words.

Voldemort then speaks some more which I can't make out at all then Snape then scoffs at me then walks away in anger. I look at Voldemort with a angry expression then stomp out the the room. Everything disappears into a black smoke like the other visions did.

It goes quiet for a second as I stand there, then I hear a blast noise behind me and quickly turn around. I'm suddenly in the transfiguration courtyard......but it's in complete shambles. The walls are broken and pieces are spread out everywhere. Just then people all around me appear and they are fighting each other. I look around and gasp. There is a all out war going on around me! Wands are being waved and spells are being cast. A lot of people dropping to the floor and dying...most of the casualties are Hogwarts students! I turn in all directions and start hyperventilating out of fear. I fall to the floor and begin crying while still breathing heavily.

The people around me disappear and three corners of the transfiguration courtyard disappear. I collect my thoughts and stand up.

I appear in the corner dressed in my fighting outfit, all black with black platform shoes and a cape. I look like I'm scared, but I know that I'm not because I can see that my eyes are completely black. It was my demonic side taunting someone, but who? I walked a little closer and four students appear holding their wands at me. I walk to the side to see them. I recognize only one of them...Hazal...All the students have angry expressions on their face, including Hazal. The students all fire a spell at me and I put a shield up. For a few seconds, my demonic side taunts them and acts like it can't hold the shield. The spells break away and so does the shield. The students look proud and even let out a laugh. My demonic side continues to look scared then the students shoot more spells, only this time my demonic side blocks without effort and rebounds their spell towards them. All of them get blasted back and fall on the ground. They use our powers and fling the students wand towards them. The students watch as they break their wands in half over its knee in front of them. Hazal then gets up quickly and charges at them, but they dodge and she ends up running into the wall instead. They bend down and pick her up by the neck then pin her to the wall. I become scared...Hazal is like a sister to me and accepted me when I told her what I really am...seeing what I'm doing to her is hurting me so much that tears are rolling down my face... The other students get up off the ground and tried to charge at them, but they blasted all of them with a spell and sent them flying again. Hazal then said something, but it was muffled

"You...Emma...I thought...were..."

"I could...same...Hazal....You...a...but then... betrayed..." There is a small pause. "Now...bye..." I won't say what happens next...but Hazal does fall to the floor and I walk away like nothing happened. I fall to the ground and the vision disappears in a black cloud.

I hold my hand to my heart and let out a powerful scream that it jolted me up. My scream continues as I sit up in a bed in a dark room. It's the room that was given to me yesterday in the Malfoy Manor. Some things fell to the ground when I screamed, that's how powerful the blast radius was. My breathing is heavy and I'm trying to calm myself down. I look at the moon light on my face and on the bed around.

Just then I heard the door handle rattle. I panic and get out of bed. My mask is on the other side of the room so I couldn't get to it in time so I hide in shadow next to the bed. In came four people...Draco, a man and a woman, and Voldemort, all in their night robes. They look around the room and find nothing.

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