Happy B'day Faf 💛 (Part 1.ft ICT)

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A/N: I'm starting off with our very own Guar'du'an Angel's Birthday. I know I'm late but couldn't publish this before due to my busy schedule, but I promise that the idea was conceived on his birthday itself.

Enjoy your read!


23:20, the hotel in which the ICT are currently staying (sorry par mujhe hotel ka naam nahi pata 😅), England.

MS Dhoni and Suresh Raina arrived at the team hotel in the afternoon, spent quality time and enjoyed a lot with their brothers and juniors, and now it was time for bed and Mahiraina were gonna stay the night.

The concerned duo had gone off to their Rahul Bhai's room, and the team was huddled up in Virat's room discussing (read arguing) that in whose room would Mahiraina stay the night. Of course, booking new rooms was out of question and all of them would not be able to fit in a single room as unlike the norm, the rooms were smaller here.

Virat: It's decided that Mahi Bhai and Sonu are gonna stay in my room.

Rohit: Who are you to decide that?

"What a stupid question Ro! I'm King Kohli, I can do whatever I want", replied Virat, his hands holding a crown made of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide and other gases above his head.

"No offense Virat, but you really need to detox your ego", roasted Ash from behind, leading to a general snicker.

Rohit: Getting back to the topic, they're gonna stay in my room because I AM THE SKIPPER!

"Precisely the reason why that's not gonna happen", said Rishabh, joining the debate.

"Care to explain?"

"Since you are the 'skipper', you are gonna have to 'skip' your chance of hosting Mahi Bhai and Sonu Bhai". The room erupted into laughter.

Rohit/Virat: You betrayed me Rishu!/ I always knew that you were my kiddo!

"Don't rejoice too early Virat", stated Bhuvi wisely.

Rishabh: Even you are out of competition Virat bhai, as the last time Mahi bhai came, he stayed in your room. He and Sonu bhai will stay in my room.

"I always knew you were my kiddo!", mimicked Shikhar, Rohit and Jaddu together in a funny but near perfect voice of Virat. They high-fived each other, much to the chagrin of the said subject.

Virat was about to say something when the doorbell rang. SKY , who was nearest to the door, opened it and to his utter surprise, there was a room service guy standing with four tubs of popcorn. He was about to refuse when Shreyas and Hardik stepped forward, took two tubs each, thanked the guy and closed the door. They ignored the puzzled looks of the team and handed one tub each to Jaddu and Shikhar.

"What the hell is this?", asked Virat, his expression a varying degree of anger and amusement.

"It's called popcorn mere pyaare Veer, and before you ask, it is perfectly healthy."

"I can see that for myself my dear Revdi. My question was that why have you guys ordered popcorn?"

"No, you didn't ask that Virat bhai", said Hardik, who was about to say something more but was promptly silenced by Bhuvi's glare.

"What else are you supposed to do while watching a movie?", replied Shikhar nonchalantly to Virat.

"Do you think that this is a movie or what?", asked Rohit, now supporting Virat due to his active involvement in the so called movie.

"Yes", said Hardik instantly and everybody except Rohirat started laughing.

"So who has the broadcasting rights?", asked Rohit unamused.

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