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After Rinka, still posing as Vire left, Kael and Crash looked at Mako, but only Crash spoke.

"You let her go," he said.

"Yes, I didn't want another thing bogging us down. Anyway, she might work for the Separatists or have ties. I don't want her near us for the time being," Mako answered coldly.

"I see your point, though in my opinion she may contact them if she has ties," countered Crash.

"Good point."

Crash waited a moment to reply and said, "May I suggest next time we be a bit more friendly. She may be helpful, Sir."

Kael didn't know what to contribute, so he kept his mouth shut and listened.

"Maybe, I can't predict her actions so we'll play it safe for now," said Mako.

"Yessir," replied Crash.

"Sir, we've found the woman. Where are we going now?" Kael inquired through helmet comm.

"We follow her," answered Mako.

"We just let her go. She could be miles away. Plus, we just wasted time standing here talking, why follow her now?" exclaimed Crash throwing his hands in the air.

"We needed her to trust that we weren't an immediate threat. Now we become one. I know she didn't leave. She went home. Since she believes this to be her turf, she feels secure enough not to run away. Now, move it," Mako ordered.


After Rinka had left she had not headed back to Vire's cave like Mako had predicted. Instead she had taken a small detour and was wading through grass as she headed towards an old abandoned mine. She figure the clones would follow her after some time. It was quite predictable of them and not a smart move. Figuring they could track her with their sensors, she had taken this route to draw them into the most hazardous place the real Vire had mentioned. The mine was like any other, and it was filled with collapsing walls, falling beams, cliffs, holes, and poisonous gasses that leaked frequently. Spider like beasts climbed the ragged walls as she too scaled it's rugged surface and perched on a sturdy beam. She tuned her audio for footsteps and set her sensors to pick up heat signatures. Clicking the safety off on her spare pistol, she waited like a Nexu ready to pounce.


After finding Vire's cave empty, Mako resorted to plan B, which was to track her bio sign.

"You know this could be a trap, like everything else," Crash mentioned.

"Any of this could be a trap, and I'm sure it all is one big elaborate trap," Mako answered.

Well, at least we know what we're walking into now,

Crash noted to himself. He knew that Mako was taking utmost precautions but anything could happen. Crash, of all people, knew that well.

"Sir, if its a trap, why are we walking into it?" Kael asked as though he didn't know.

"We plan to make it our trap, for her."

Crash heard Mako's words and knew he was right. Mako had no intentions of getting them caught. He was planning to catch. Kael fell silent as they followed Mako through a sea of grass that led seemingly nowhere. The grass ended almost as quickly as it had began though and revealed a dark ominous cave mouth. Mako noted the bits of repulsor track and realized it was a mine, an abandoned one. Even so he walked in. There was no fear in his step, and he led boldly and bravely avoiding the hazards most would have fallen prey to. Crash and Kael followed closely behind him, blasters prepped. Awake and alert, all three sensed they were nearing the belly of the beast when Mako raised his fist in a halt signal. No one moved. The only sounds were an eerie howl that sounded like a dying Reek. That's when Mako saw the brown mist floating at his feet.

Star Wars The Clone Wars: M.I.A. On a Lost Planet#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now