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Young and tough, Jango Fett's only son, Boba Fett, stood aboard Count Dooku's flagship. He had been there for days after the four clones and supposed bounty hunter escaped searching through the surveillance and data his hired hand had picked up. The data had turned up nothing to confirm the myth he was attempting to solve, yet none of it proved it wrong. Frustrated and angry he shifted from foot to foot as the Count calmly oversaw the bridge operations. Young Fett glanced up at the Count, noting his sharp, cold, dissatisfied glare. Beside him the Count stood tall and straight in his dark cloak that shrouded his rich, impeccable attire. Fett scanned the bridge, impatient and angry. Dooku turned to look at the young boy.

"I detest your impatience, come with me," he ordered, his figure looming above Boba as he walked past him. Boba ran to catch up, ignoring the Count's comments. Doors swished open as the Count walked into his private communications room, Fett trailing behind him. The boy stood back and watched as Dooku activated his transmission array and tuned the frequency to the Temple's private settings. Like a phantom, he listened unseen to the Jedi discuss their plans and strategies.

"A team of clones retained information that the Separatists are blockading the peaceful world of Ryloth," Jedi master Windu informed the others, before pointedly looking at Master Kenobi, and Saesee Tinn, then glancing at a Jedi who was standing next to his clone commander. Boba recognized neither the Jedi nor the clone, nor did he realize who the clone truly was, before returning his attention to the conversation.

"Windu," Boba muttered through clenched teeth. His mind recognizing his father's murderer.

"Quiet Boba," Dooku warned. Fett fell silent.


Now in his own memories Boba listened to the conversations in a haze, his anger boiling inside him. Memories of Mace Windu on Geonosis, fighting gallantly, outwitting his father at every turn, only to ruthlessly murder him in an unfairly matched duel. Boba remembered after the battle how he had yelled his father's name, searching for him, even though he knew Jango was dead. Narrowing his eyes, he had memories of holding his father's helmet to his forehead,  pleading for Jango to come back. After that he had run far from that arena, hid, fumed, and grieved for his father while plotting Windu's death. Now was his chance. He knew where Windu was, and where he would be. His face dark and his attitude ominous, Fett had one thought.

Windu must die.

And he was going to kill him.


"Good, our scouts have informed us that the locals need food and medical supplies as well as freedom. If you could find a way to provide those as well, then Ryloth would surely thank you," said Windu, breaking Boba out of his own mind.

Saesee Tinn spoke up saying, "How long does Master Skywalker have to break the blockade?'

"One planetary rotation," Windu answered, then continued by saying, "Master Kenobi, the council has decided that you will be the one to take your troops to the ground. Master Kenobi, you must free the Twi'leks held hostage. I will take the capital city."

"It will be done, Master Windu," Kenobi answered. Dooku waited a moment longer before cutting the transmission and turning to Fett. He saw the hatred in the boy's eyes and felt its tremor through the force.

"Windu is going to pay," Boba told the Count.

"Yes, my boy, he will pay," Dooku agreed, feeling warm with the intense anger Jango's son was feeling.

He will pay.

Dooku smiled.

Star Wars The Clone Wars: M.I.A. On a Lost Planet#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now