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A/N Shoutout to @Silentx13for all the amazing votes, comments, and support on this book! Check out their book Star Wars Fanfic, it's amazing!!


The next morning was as sunny and dry as it had been the day Mako, Kael, and Crash ended up on the planet. Mako was, like always, first to be up. Spending a little time outside, thinking, he found the crisp, dry air refreshing.

I wonder how much rain they get here?

After making a few mindless rounds, the clone sergeant headed back. At the base they had set up in the dilapidated house, Mako woke the other two clones quickly before moving onto the day's plan.

"We are going to stay here for today with the exception of Kael and I going to see whether Vire is back or not," he ordered. Crash gave a short nod. Kael gave no motion of acknowledgement.

"Decided to show him the ropes," Crash stated.

"Can't hurt," answered Mako. Kael was up now and checking on the device he had assembled the day before

"Rain got into it, and the main coupling's shot. I'm going to need another one," the rookie muttered as he continued to inspect the amplifier.

"Did you say something, Rookie?" Mako asked.

"Just mentioning that I need a new power coupling," Kael replied. Mako nodded.

"Did you hear the plans?" he questioned.

"Yessir," Kael continued without looking in the sergeant's direction.

"Good, we're leaving in ten minutes."


Kael finally directed his attention away from the machine and picked up his helmet before turning to Mako. "I'm ready when you are, Sir."


All around them the day was as hot as before, and surprisingly dry.

"Big change from Kamino," Mako began, trying to coax a conversation out of Kael, who was once again quiet.

"Yessir," was Kael's curt reply.

"I'm surprised that it's not humid and muggy," Mako said making a second attempt.

"Me too, Sir," Kael said quietly.

"What's with you trooper. You're not normally quiet like this," Mako finally said getting straight to the point. Kael didn't want to seem disrespectful but couldn't think of an answer without telling of yesterday's events, so he stared at his boots as he walked behind Mako.

Eventually he spoke up saying, "I've been thinking on how to explain to you what really happened last night."

"So you've not told me something important I take it," Mako stated.

"I refrained from telling you, yessir."

Mako felt angry with the younger man but held back knowing he too had made mistakes as a rookie and withheld information from his superiors.

Somehow, Hotshot always seemed to know when something was up though, Mako thought in reminiscence.

"Kael, what really happened last night?" he hoped Kael would come clean this time.

"Vire, she assaulted me along the way and warned me against telling you. I was too scared to tell the truth once I got back, Sir."

"So you never tripped. It was her."

Star Wars The Clone Wars: M.I.A. On a Lost Planet#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now