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 "Crash!" Mako shouted, seeing the man pulled from sight by a mysterious quarry. Then a roaring noise was heard, and Mako stepped back in shock.

"Who in the universe--," said Kael, stepping closer to Vire and grabbing her shoulder firmly. By that time, Mako was over in the trees looking for Crash.

"Kael, Vire and come here," Mako commanded, calming himself down.

"Copy," answered Kael and guided Vire over to where the sergeant was standing looking up at the sky.

"Sir--," he began.

Mako spun around and pointed an accusing finger at Vire, "You, was this your plan!"

"Nope," said Vire. Then they heard another rumbling, roaring noise, like that of a very loud speeder bike. They quickly ran out of the trees onto the path.

"I can't see anything," Kael noted, looking up.

"Me either. Whoever has Crash apparently wants to keep a low profile," Mako replied.

"My sensors are picking up two life signs and one energy reading right above us," Vire cut in, hoping that if she was helpful they would possibly trust her a little bit more.

"Seems you have found me. Don't worry we'll take good care of your friend. After all that's what our employer would want," boomed a voice from above. Kael put a hand up, shading his visor, but still couldn't see anyone.

"Who are you and who's your employer?" Mako shouted.

"You already know!" said the voice with an evil laugh and then disappeared.

It was Kael's turn to get angry and he whipped around to face Vire, shouting, "You lied!"

"I--," Vire defended quickly.

"Just be quiet!" Kael yelled. Vire fell silent. Mako turned to them looking very determined.

"We are leaving now," he ordered sharply.


The rest of the walk was made in dead silence, leaving a sort of gloomy feel. However, once they were back the stillness was broken.

"The man, he mentioned that you were his employer, meaning that you know where Crash is," Mako told Vire as calmly as he could. "Care to explain?"

"That man is a liar. I had nothing to do his operation," Vire answered harshly.

Feeling a surge of anger, Mako looked her in face and demanded, "I think the only liar here is you. Tell us where you ordered your friend to take Crash!"

"I had nothing to do with your friend's kidnapping!" Vire shouted, now accustomed to the feeling of frustration she got when arguing with Mako.

"Tell me where he is!"

"I don't know!"

Kael watched as the two began quarreling like two children, all the while thinking to himself.

She never removes that helmet of her's does she? Makes one wonder what the real Vire looks like underneath, he mused, gazing at her faceless mask. Eventually Vire sat down on the bench behind her and shouted something at Mako. He stepped back in shock.

"What did you say," he hissed.

Vire raised her helmeted head a bit in triumph before answering, "The only reason you hate me is for supposedly killing your Commander."

Mako stepped away from her with a disgusted look on his face. "No, I only find your entertainment in other's demise unlawful and morally wrong."

"Says the man willing to kill for peace!"

"They are droids! Scrapping a droid is not killing!"

Once again the discussion heated up, and Kael decided it was best to keep out of it.

"Shut up scum," Mako finally said, turning away from Vire.

"Sir," Kael now said.

"Not now trooper," Mako replied, stalking around the room.

"I just--."

Mako stopped and faced Kael angrily shouting, "Just get your blaster and be quiet!"

Kael nodded, retrieving his weapon before sitting down and waiting. Silence once more prevailed and a menacing mood filled the whole room as all there sat there in stalemate, unsure what to do next.

Star Wars The Clone Wars: M.I.A. On a Lost Planet#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now