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As soon as they arrived, Mako sent Crash and Kael inside while he kept watch for the cave's sole inhabitant.

"Last I saw the only things she owned were explosive blasters and a bunch of empty crates," said Kael as they rummaged through Vire's belongings. Crash shrugged and tossed an empty cartridge to Kael.

"Who knows, bounty hunters are notorious for hiding things."

Kael nodded as he dropped the cartridge into a box containing all the empty containers they had found.

"Let's check the contents of those crates," he suggested.

"Good idea," replied Crash.

Kael strode over to the haphazardly thrown crates that Crash and Mako had smashed into during the previous fight. He attempted to pry the top off one of the crates with no luck.

"This might help," Crash offered holding a crowbar out to the younger man.


Kael took the tool and wedged it under the lid. He shoved down with his left arm, and the top came away from the crate, falling to the floor with a hollow thud.

"I wonder how long these boxes have been sitting around if they are this difficult to open," said Kael and peered inside. At first he thought his eyes deceived him but took another look and confirmed that the contents were real.

Seeing Kael's surprise, Crash asked, "What's in there, Seppie droids?"

Kael shook his head slowly then reached in and pulled something out of the crate. He turned and quickly tossed it to Crash without a word. Crash caught the object and then almost dropped it like it had suddenly burned him. In his hands was a white, grey-marked clone helmet.

"Hotshot," he muttered before turning to Kael. "Kael, I think Vire is more dangerous than we give her credit for. She's not just some amateur wisecrack who carries a big blaster," he warned as he fingered the symbol emblazoned onto the side of the helmet.

"Why?" questioned Kael.

"This helmet belonged to Commander Hotshot, the original Commander of the 514th. Commander Kell has been in charge ever since she went missing," Crash explained.

"Understood, but why is Vire so dangerous all of a sudden?" Kael continued.

"I think she killed Hotshot, judging by the looks of things," said Crash grimly. Kael didn't say a word.

"Find anything interesting in there," Mako shouted from outside.

"Yessir," Crash yelled back.

"What is it?" came the sergeants reply.

"Might want to come see for yourself," Crash called.

Mako made no answer but joined the other two within moments of Crash calling him in.

"I thought you might want to see this," Crash said, and he handed Mako the helmet adding, "It was found in a crate belonging to Vire."

"This was in there?" Mako inquired pointing to the open crate, a sharp edge in his voice.

"Yessir," Kael told him.

"Sorry, Commander," Mako mumbled and then looked up at his men. "What else is in that crate?"

"Armor, Sir, clone armor," Kael answered moving aside so Mako could step forward and see for himself.

"Really sorry," Mako breathed as he saw the armor laying inside the box.

Star Wars The Clone Wars: M.I.A. On a Lost Planet#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now