Ashes and Rain

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Once I calmed down we continued on. I still felt sick,but each time I tried to peer into the halls below out of instinct, the Homes squealed and covered my eyes before Mono or Six led me away. "I'm sorry." I whispered once. "It's not a problem." Mono said as we climbed down. There was a locked door, and a sort of drawer. Mono pulled it out. "Is there anything inside?" I asked, climbing in the box with Mono.

Seemingly of her own will, Six began to push the drawer closed. "Wait, nonono- SIX!" The drawer closed over out heads and we entered into a room with a key. Mono parkoured onto the drawer while I dug my nails into the soft wood and climbed up, grabbing some scalpels. "These will suit the Nomes better than my knife." I said as Mono grabbed the key. Six and the Nomes pulled us back and we unlocked the door, entering a room of bodies. We climbed up onto the shelves and into a vent. Why?

We got into a dim room with a fuse box. I heard the Doctor to the left. We snuck into the room with him, and saw the fuse we needed with the Doctor. "Son of a-" I hissed. Six boosted Mono into a room that I could hear beeping from. The Doctor crawled around, pushing the lights put of the way.

I heard a flat line and the Doctor ran in. Mono ran out and we pulled drawers open, allowing Mono to get the fuse. We absolutely booked it, putting the fuse in the door and running full throttle through the door. I heard the Doctor follow, and things crashed behind us. Six ran ahead while I held Mono's hand, tugging him along. We crawled under beds that the Doctor crushed beneath him, and we climbed into the incinerator.

The Doctor followed, and we rushed out. We closed the door and turned on the fire. The Doctors screams faded as Six warmed her hands by the fire. "Oh god, the smell." I exclaimed, gagging. Mono put a cloth over my nose and mouth, blocking the smell, and we opened the elevator. It went up into a dim hall, and a waiting room. Rain pitter pattered outside, but I kept the cloth to my nose. The smell drifted through the vents.

Once we got into a rainy alley I took the fabric away, folding it into my pockets. "So...." Mono began, walk in beside me as Six and the Nomes ran ahead. "So...?" I questioned. "You don't like small spaces, your hearing and smell are advanced, and you can control metal." He abbreviated my basic abilities, "You are really not suited for the city." He said. "Not one bit." I replied. We got into an empty street and bodies rained down, making me jump and cling to Mono.

We got into an apartment building and I heard a TV. I shivered as we passed a body, and once we where through a door, an adult fell through the ceiling. We all froze as he ran into a separate hall. "Why do we always follow the monsters?" I asked Mono. "Because they're always going the way we need to go." He replied.

We followed the man, and he launched his head into a TV. "Uh..." We all said at once. We climbed out a window and into a sloping roof, slick with rain. We climbed a broken ladder and jumped into a dark and decrepit building. We snuck past an adult peeping into a door at a TV. We kept sneaking past adults, who stank of waste and rot. There was even someone watching in a tub.

We jumped from a ledge, onto an elevator, another ledge, and into the elevator, which lifted into a locked door. It went back down and Mono jumped out, vanishing from sight.

We pushed the elevator back up and Mono ran to the left, coming back with a key. The door opened and we sent the elevator back down, reseting it. We called it back up and jumped on top, winding up below the pulley system. I winced at the shock to my already hurting abdomen and we went onto a rainy roof.

"Why is it always raining?" I asked nobody in particular, pulling my hood up and tucking the Nomes into my pockets. "Whenever the broadcaster is sad, it rains. It is always raining in the Pale City." Mono said, staring at an ominous building in the distance.

After a few minutes of travel we got into a decaying building, which began to collapse around us. We forced open a door and stumbled out, running at full speed. I shrieked in terror as the world went dark around us.

When I came to I saw Mono trying to pull Six from the rubble. I limped over and lifted the rubble up as Mono pulled Six out. We boosted Mono into opening a door, and we landed in a child's room. Going down a hall, Mono went into another TV. Six was about to pull him back when I grabbed her wrist gently.

"Wait," I said, my stomach turning, "let him reach the door. Somethings happening." Mono opened the door, revealing a purple lit room with a large man in the center. "Nevermind. Get him out, GET HIM OUT!" We pulled him out and ran back slowly into the child's room. Mono and I hid under the bed while Six hid under the table. I flinched and held Mono's hand when the man suddenly appeared in the room. Six jumped out of her spot and came towards us. I heard static as Six flew into his grip with a shriek. In her place was a shadow.


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