Going to Malfoy Manor

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Ellas pov

I was on the train for our Christmas break when the compartment doors flew open. I was sitting with Hannah,Linda, and Sophia. Hannah and I were sitting on one side and Sophia and Linda on the other.

I looked at the doors and saw Draco Malfoy standing in the doorway. Oh great. I'm sure he got the terrific news.

"Can I speak to you for a moment",Draco asked looking at me.

"Uh sure",I said and stood up. I gave my friends a smile before leaving the compartment with Draco. I stood in the hallway waiting for him to say something.

"So, you and your siblings are staying at my house for Christmas",Draco said.

"Yeah. I know",I said.

"Okay, yeah. Uh cool",Draco said.

"Why did you need to talk if you were just going to tell me what I already know",I said and immediately regretted it. It wasn't normal for me to be rude.

"I...I was wondering if your okay",Draco said in a whisper.

"I'm fine",I said.

"Well, okay. See you off the train then I guess",Draco said.

"Okay, bye",I said and walked back into the train compartment.

"What was that about",Linda asked me with her eyebrows up.

"It was just...he was just talking to me about",I said but got interrupted by someone slamming the door in and stomping inside. Eric.

"Why the hell are we staying at the Malfoys",Eric yelled and my friends faces shot up in surprise.

"That's what I was trying to say",I mumbled to my friends. Hannah and Sophia had fear written across their face and Linda looked like she was going to be sick.

"And why did I find out from mother this morning and not you yesterday",Eric asked me anger being seen in his eyes.

"Because she said she would talk to you. She said I didn't have to",I said and turned to look out the window.

"Why are you staying at the Malfoys",Sophia asked.

"Because our",Eric said but I immediately stopped him.

"Because our parents are going on vacation so we are staying with the Malfoys for the break",I said. Eric gave me a confused look and then he realized what was going on.

"Ok that's uh interesting I guess",Linda said.

"I feel so bad for you. Your whole break is going to be with the Malfoys",Sophia said.

"Uh yeah",I said confused.

"This is going to be the worst Christmas ever",Eric huffed as he walked out of the compartment, slamming the doors behind him.

Of course I would have rather spent the Christmas break with my parents but I didn't think staying at the Malfoy Manor was going to be that bad. It was going to be awkward especially since I had never met the other Malfoys.

We arrived at the train station around 4:30 in the afternoon. I got off the train with my things and saw Henry talking to the Weasleys. I saw Olivia coming up to me so I turned to face her.

"Mum said in her letter she sent me that you were in the same year as the Malfoy's son, so where is he",Olivia asked. She seemed a bit annoyed at the situation but not as angry as Eric had been.

"I don't know",I said.

"Then how the hell are we supposed to know where to go",Olivia started to get louder. What did I do to you?

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