Skip Class with me

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Ellas pov

I was walking to my last class of the day, Potions, about a week after the Triwizard Tournament schools arrived, when I felt cold fingers wrap around my hand and pull me into a abandoned classroom.

I knew that cold but soothing touch anywhere, Draco Malfoy. My boyfriend stood in front of me as he closed the door. He let go of my hand and pulled me into his embrace.

"I haven't seen you in a while",Draco said.

"Yeah, I've just been busy",I replied hugging him back lightly before separating.

"Busy? With what",Draco asked curiously as he eyed me up and down.

"Just..Eric and friends and school work",I replied.

"What's wrong with Eric",Draco asked.

"Nothing really. Just that he wants to join that stupid Triwizard Tournament which has now gotten him on my mind 24/7",I said.

"Huh",Draco said and I looked around the abandoned classroom.

There was dust everywhere. Old books with spiderwebs were stacked on a shelf. I shivered a bit. I absolutely hated spiders, if heights wasn't my biggest fear, it was definitely spiders.

I even remembered the 1st day I had gone to Professor Moody's classroom for DADA. He had used the imperio curse and flew the spider around.

He made the spider go up to random students. He had even made the spider go near me which freaked me out so terribly that I screamed and tried to smack it with a book.

When the spider didn't go away I kept screaming and I ran around the classroom. Harry had stopped the spider from chasing me and many students were laughing at me.

As I was going back to my desk after the terrible spider chase, I tripped over someone's bag but luckily Draco had been in the table next to where I tripped, so he caught me and steadied me back to my feet.

When Draco had done this, nobody knew that we were dating except for Linda, so they were all surprised and confused. I had looked away from their curious and shocked expressions as I went back to my desk.

"I missed you Ella",Draco said which snapped me out of my poor memory.

"I missed you too",I replied gazing into his grey eyes.

"No, I mean I've really missed you. Like miss your hair and your eyes and your perfume. And that thing you do with your hands whenever your talking",Draco blurred out and his pale cheeks turned to a slight pink.

"Well, I'm here now. But unfortunately I have to get to class, so let's meet up later okay",I asked.

"No, I want to be with you right now",Draco replied sternly.

"I can't skip class, Draco",I said.

"Pleeeaaaaasssseee",Draco whined which made me giggle.

"We could get into trouble",I pointed out.

"And that's what makes it even more exciting",Draco said.

"Draco-"I started but he interrupted me before I could finish.

"What's life without risk. You have to take a chance. We can just go into my dorm room. No one will be in there, because Nott and Zabini are in class",Draco said and he grabbed hold on both of my hands.

He held them tightly in his own hands but it didn't harm me in anyway. Luckily, the bruise on my wrist that my father had given me was gone. All that was left was a light pink mark which would disappear in a little while.

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