Unpleasent Event

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Ellas pov

Hermione looked like she felt like crying and Ron looked as though he was going to kill someone. I stared at them in confusion and then looked over at Linda for an explanation, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"What happened",I asked softly.

"I...I...I",Hermione said and she burst into tears.

"Someone hexed us",Ron said ignoring Hermione's tears.

"Who",I asked.

"We don't know. We got back last night from-",Ron stopped mid sentence and I looked at him curiously.

"From where",I asked.

"Okay fine. Don't tell anyone, but we snuck out. We went to Hogsmead but then when we got back, this happened",Ron said and he took off the hat he was wearing.

I gasped in shock at the little antlers sticking out of Ron's head. Ron removed Hermione's hat too and she also had antlers. Hermione reacted quickly and whipped the hat from Ron's hands and placed it back kn her head.

Linda pulled Hermione into a comforting side hug and I just stood confused. Why would anyone hex them? Who hexed them?

"Can't you get rid of them Hermione",I asked.

"Yes",Ron answered for her.

"Then why don't you-",I asked but Ron interrupted me with more anger in his voice.

"Because Hermione here, lost her wand. And I told her to use someone else's wand and she refuses. So she cries about it but won't try to fix it either. And I don't know how to",Ron said as he pulled the hat back on his head.

"Where did you leave it last. We can go look for it. We'll help you, won't we Ella",Linda asked.

"Yeah of course",I said.

"No no no. I have to watch this. I have to make sure that Harry stays alive",Hermione said.

"Well alright",Linda said.

All 4 of us walked over to an empty spot and decided to stay there because it was a pretty good view. Harry was last so we waited and watched everyone complete their task of defeating a dragon and getting a golden egg.

Harry finally came but when he was trying to defeat the dragon, he accidentally got the dragon unlatched from his chains. Harry rode off on his broom, which he summoned using the Accio spell, and the dragon followed him.

In the end, Harry was able to get the egg and he did get hurt but not severely injured. Hermione,Linda,Ron, and I all went down the stands to see Harry.

"You did it Harry",Hermione said as she jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. Harry was shocked by the sudden movement but he caught her and hugged her back.

"Congratulations",Linda said. Harry nodded at her and then he looked over at Ron and I. I stood awkwardly and Ron did too.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so...",Ron said trying to find the words.

"Jealous",Hermione asked as she let go of Harry.

"Yeah",Ron chuckled.

"It's okay",Harry said.

"Ella",Linda asked.

"No. I need more time. I'm not ready to just be friends with you again after what you said. I can't",I said and I walked away from the 4. Linda hurried after me and she grabbed my arm.

"Just get over it",Linda said.

"No Linda",I yelled and I yanked my arm from her grip. I ran away from her and I started to head back to the castle.

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