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Ellas pov

Eric had out his name in the Goblet of Fire 2 days before the names were to be drawn out. I had completely ignored him.

I was talking to the golden trio more now, considering that 2 of my Hufflepuff friends were angry and ignoring with me. Linda stayed with me though.

I had talked to Henry a bit but he was only asking if I was doing okay and I would reply with a yes. Olivia had been busy with her friends, Cho Chang was one of them.

It was the day for the names to be selected out of the goblet and everyone was buzzing with excitement. I on the other hand, felt nauseous. I prayed to Merlin that Eric's name would not fly out on a piece of parchment.

I walked with Linda and the Golden trio to the Great Hall for the names to be selected. I made eye contact with Draco for a moment and he gave me a small smile.

I didn't return one because I was being dragged by Linda over to where Hannah Sophia were standing.

"What are you doing",I whispered to her as she continued to walk up to Hannah and Sophia.

She didn't reply, she stayed completely silent. She kept pulling me towards them until we were a few feet away from them.

"Okay. This is enough! I've had enough! So, we're good because I can't take it anymore",Linda shouted.

Hannah and Sophia both had the same amount of confusion written on their faces but I saw a glimpse of happiness on Sophia's, as to Hannah had a glimpse of anger and irritation.

"What",Sophia asked softly not making eye contact. I pulled my arm away from Linda and stood awkwardly.

"This is ridiculous! What the hell are we even arguing about",Linda shouted again.

"We are arguing about the fact that Ella is obviously hiding something. And the fact that she's lying to us like we're idiots",Hannah shouted angrily.

I gulped and stared at the floor. A few people's eyes had been directed towards us.

"Oh come on",Linda said.

"No! You can't or won't see the fact that's she's keeping something from us! Or maybe she's not, maybe you know exactly what she's hiding and you refuse to tell us because you 2 are so damn close",Hannah yelled louder than before which made me take a small step back.

"She's not. We're not lying about anything",Linda said calmer, probably trying to calm down Hannah.

"Seriously!? You want to play this game and act like I'm stupid! I know that Sophia and I aren't as close to you 2 as you are to each other, but that doesn't give you a right to lie to us! Why though? Why are you 2 so much better friends than we will ever be to you",Hannah asked and pointed a finger at both of us.

"Because we've been friends longer",Linda murmured.

"Because you've been friends longer",Hannah scoffed mimicking Linda's words.

"Maybe we should just take a moment and calm-",Hermione said coming to the side of Linda but Hannah interrupted.

"We all know why you 2 are such good friends! It's because you are alike. Just like certain other people that I've seen you talking to lately",Hannah yelled.

"What do you mean",I asked softly.

"Draco Malfoy",Hannah stated. All the blood from my face was gone.

"I don't know what your talking about",I lied.

"You know Ella, your a bad lier. But the thing is, your an even worse friend for trying to lie",Hannah said. Sophia gasped and Hermione did too. I felt tears start to form in my eyes.

"Leave her alone Hannah! You have this stupid thing going on in your head and now you've pulled Sophia into the mess. Your being delusional",Linda said.

"I'm being delusional. Really? So your going to tell me that you 2 aren't as good of friends with us because we're not like you? Because our blood purity doesn't matter? Because we don't live in a huge manor with piles of money",Hannah asked.

"That's not why",Linda said.

"Then why. Why aren't we? And why is Ella hanging out with Draco fucking Malfoy",Hannah asked loudly.

By now most of the side of the Great Hall we were arguing in was standing in a close circle listening to our argument. About 100 eyes were on me.

"Let's go. I'm done trying. Ella and I will be moving out of the dorm by tonight",Linda stated and pulled me away.

We pushed past multiple people and I didn't even glance at Linda once. She had lied for me. She had kept my secret relationship with Draco a secret. And I definitely owed her one.

Linda and I walked up to where Harry and Ron were sitting. I took a seat beside Ron and Linda sat next to me. Hermione came up and sat behind Ron. Seamus and Dean and other Gryffindors were around us too.

I felt a tear drip down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away before anyone could see. I had to much on my mind. I had lost 2 of my best friends and I might lose a brother.

"I'm sorry",I whispered to Linda.

"For what",Linda asked.

"For bringing you into this. For making you lie for me,for making you lose your best friends, for making you-",I whispered but Linda interrupted me.

"First of all, you aren't making me do anything. And second, that's what friends are for. And I understand why your secret needs to be a secret for now. I just hope that once that secret gets out, we will have 2 more friends to go back to",Linda whispered to me.

"Thank you",I whispered and gave her a hug.

She hugged me back and I felt one last tear escape my eye lids, but I promised myself that that would be the last one for the night.

Dumbledore began his short speech about the Triwizard Tournament but I was so nervous that Eric's name would be called out that I couldn't comprehend what Dumbledore was saying. I was shaking intently, waiting for the 3 names to be called out from each school.

A/N Thanks so much for reading!

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Word Count:1k

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