The Dice Killer

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A.U: Kokichi's a vigilante that kills criminals.

Kokichi dropped down behind a rapist and grabbed him. The man was much bigger, but Kokichi had surprise and gravity on his side. Before the man could even scream, Kokichi slit his throat.

The man fell dead at his feet. Blood pooled around and Kokichi stepped back so it wouldn't get on his boots. He looked at the man he had just killed. A man who raped and killed young girls. He was surprised he went down so easily.

Kokichi's Vigilante outfit was a pair of black cargo pants with to many pockets for it's own good. A belt that held a the knifes he kept with him, along with a gun. Just in case. He wore black shirt under a brown leather jacket that he kept unzipped. Across his body was a bag that held files on the people he killed. He wore black combat boots with red markings on it and lace black gloves that fit perfectly.

Kokichi opened the bag, and pulled out the man's file.

Name: Richard H. Jones
Nationality: American
Residence: Hawthorn Place. Room 267. Tokyo, Japan.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 247 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Crimes: 47 rapes and murders. The Tokyo Girl Killer.

Kokichi started at the man. He didn't regret killing this man. He had given this man a quick death. It was only painful for a second. This man slowly strangled his victims.

Kokichi hulled the man up and tied him to the fire escape by his hands. He tied Richard's hands together. He carefully pinned the file to the man's chest.
Before he left, he placed a pair of dice in a small bag next to the man. He climbed up the fire escape and disappeared across the rooftops.

The body wasn't found until the light from the sun lit the alley. It was a grandmother who found the body. Police were soon there.

A detective named Owanina Hataka. She looked at the body with her medical colleague. "How did he die?"

Her colleague, Irean Koni looked at her. "He was killed by this." She pointed her pen at the cut on the throat. "Everything is severed."

Owanina winced. "Wow. That must have been painful."

Irean shrugged. "I doubt that he was alive long enough to be in much pain."

Owanina looked at her. "Do we have an ID?"

Irean chuckled. "Oh, we have a lot more then a name."

She called and a officer walked over and handed her a file with a bit of blood.
She handed it to Owanina. "Take a look."

She looked spectacle, but she took the file and read it. Inside, was pictures of Richard H. Jones. Some of then were of him carrying bags and dumping them in the river. Others were of him stocking young girls.

When she read about what he did, she was shocked. "God."

Irean nodded. "I know right. I guess we caught The Tokyo Girl Killer."

Owanina nodded. "Where was this found?"

Irean pointed at the body. "It was pinned to his chest. I think the killer left it there."

Owanina closed the file. "Why did they do it? And how did they get the photos? Something doesn't line up."

Irean snorted. "That's not the only thing that doesn't line up."

Another officer came up an handed Owanina a small bag. When she opened it, she saw there was a pair of dice in it.

"Dice." She muttered. "Dice."

Irean looked at her friend. "They were at his feet. What do you think it means?"
Owanina closed the bag and took a deep breath. "He struck again."

Irean was confused. She hadn't been on the force long. While she and Owanina had been friends since they were kids, she had still been in medical school when Owanina started in the force. She had only graduated a few weeks ago, and this was her first case. "What do you mean?"

Owanina looked at her friend. "The Dice Killer."

Irean flinched. "The person who kills criminals?"

Owanina nodded. "He got his name by leaving dice just like this at all his crimes. He has no M.O. and he seems to know everything about his victims."
Irean looked at the file still in her friends hand. "Why did he leave the file though."

Owanina shrugged. "I have no idea."
She tucked the file under her arm. "I'm going to look around and see if anyone saw anything."

Irean continued to write notes on the victim, and soon she  hand rhe body brought to the morge.

They never found Kokichi. He left no trace and he struck again and again. Killing killers and criminals. He never got caught.

(Sorry it's short. I don't have alot of ideas it. I hope you enjoyed it.)

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