Gone Missing

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A.U: Trans Kokichi (ftm). Nondispair
(Thank you Danganpanda11037 for this idea!)

Kokichi looked in the mirror. He adjusted his binder and pulled on a plain white shirt and gray sweatpants. As always, he had his checkered scarf on. He took a deep breath. He put on his fake smile and walked into the dinning hall.

Sitting at the table was Shuichi. Surrounding him was stacks of paper and a laptop. There was a coffee pot next to him. Shuichi looked like he was about to pass out.

Kokichi walked over to him. "Did you sleep last night?"

Shuichi looked at him. He didn't need to say anything. Kokichi could see the deep bags under his eyes.

The purple haired boy sighed. "Do you ever take care of yourself?"

Shuichi looked at his laptop. "I had to finished it."

Kokichi shook his head. "Come on." He pulled Shuichi up.

Shuichi blinked. His brain was slow from his lack of sleep. "Where are we going?"

Kokichi pulled him along. "You're going to bed. It's the weekend. You need sleep."

Shuichi tried to pull his arm free, but Kokichi was a lot stronger then he looked. "I still-"

"No." Kokichi opened Shuichi's door. "You're going to sleep."

Shuichi continued to protest, but Kokichi did budge. He pushed his friend onto the bed. "Sleep! If you keep this up, you're going to kill yourself."

Shuichi gave up. He layed on his bed and fell asleep in seconds. Kokichi grabbed a piece of paper from a notebook on Shuichi's desk. He scribbled a note.

Do not disturb. Shuichi didn't sleep last night. He needs sleep.

Kokichi left the room and taped the note to the door. He didn't bother signing it. If he did, he guessed that Katio would think he was lying and burst into the room.

Kokichi walked into the dinning hall. He closed the laptop Shuichi was working on. He didn't touch the paper. Shuichi had a system that Kokichi didn't understand.

He fixed himself a bowl of cereal and quickly ate. Not long after he washed the bowl, Angie, Himiko and Tenko walked in.

Tenko scoffed at him. "What are you doing you degenerate male?"

Kokichi looked at her. He found it funny that she called him that when he was achally female. "I was having a lovely breakfast before you came in."

The greenette's face went red with anger. "Why you!" She stormed up to him. She tried to hit him, but Kokichi ducked and raced away.
She fumed. "That degenerate!"

Kokichi slipped into his room. He changed into a purple shirt with the panda logo on it. His wore black ripped jeans with chains around his belt. He grabbed a pair of chunky black platform boots. Pulling on black, fingerless leather glove, he looked in the mirror again.

He smiled. He looked like how he wanted to. He adjusted his wild purple hair and grabbed a small black backpack.

He was heading out to met a friend at the mall. They were going to shop for clothes for the pride parade that was coming up.

When he walked into the dinning room again, everyone else was there.
Katio gapped at him. "Kokichi?"

Kokichi grinned at him. "Yes. That is my name."

Angie laughed. "Atua thinks Kokichi looks wonderful!"

Maki glaced at him. "What kind of outfit is that?"

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