Chapter two: The abandoned house?

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TW: anxiety and like a near panic attack but not that much detail

We step off the ferry and we walk toward the only hotel on the island, the priest hole we walk in and we find it empty,
"Hello is anyone about?"
I call out and an older man wheeling a very older man and he spoke with a heavy Welsh accent appears,
"Oh sorry was helping uncle Auggie to the loo."
He shook our hands and I grimaced slightly before once again he went off the prepared our suite and Jake asked if we could go see the house,
"Jake bro we're going to be here two weeks and we just got off a 10-hour flight and then went on an hour-long ferry ride so let's relax a little."
I replied not very sternly but also a little sternly like how a big sibling says no to all of the candy from the candy draw when home alone but Jake nodded and he understood and we went and laid down on the beds I fell asleep until I woke up hearing a yelp from Jake and I turned quickly and yelped too.

A Peregrine Flacon had made its way into our room,
"Jake Stay still and quiet I want to take a photo."
Jake rolls his eyes as I do and then I let it out I lay back down and stare at him for a few seconds I stare at him and smile proudly at how far he came since Grandpa's death he used to Have nightmares every day I just had anxiety during therapy so I got off lucky but eventually. I decided to take him down to the beach. As we were going down the beach I began to feel quite anxious but we saw birds so we saw another bird watcher but I just froze staring at him I felt like my throat was closing up, Jake Noticed and pulled me away as tears brimmed my eyes I took a deep breath as the feeling dispersed and we sat on a rock I knuckled at my eyes as I took deep breaths I was confused as too what happened,
"Maybe because we're in Wales Grandpa's death is on your mind." I nodded as I accepted the anxiety and we watched the birds a little longer.

We went for a walk not before long we found a house it was bombed and destroyed so we went in looking about slowly putting clues together I realised that it was the children's home. I eventually found grandpa's room and I sat down before bursting into tears I remembered all of grandpa's stories I missed him so much and at that moment I didn't care I just wanted my grandpa eventually Jake found me but I must have looked so stupid 22 years old and sobbing like a little kid but he sat next to me and put an arm around my shoulders before we heard a noise. It was a person.

We immediately ran out of there I was still crying slightly but we went and hid in our room in the priest's hole we spent the next few days in our room especially me since I had an almost constant feeling of anxiety which was hell but we tried the house again we went in grandpa's room but we heard loud thumps as we walked out we stopped and stared at the top of the stairs and saw a blonde girl who stared at Jake,
We ran. Jake fell and hit his head I tried to pick him up and carry on running but then a girl with red hair in a rose dress with black leather gloves that go up to her elbows stopped me and said,
"Hello please stop trying to run off and let Bronwyn carry your brother so we can take you to the loop entrance.'

I stared at her and then a little girl who was about 8 walked over and picked Jake up and I gasped as I recognised her It was Bronwyn and Olive The girl who was as strong as 10 men and the girl with fire at her fingertips I turned to look at who else was with us. I looked at the blonde girl in an opal dress who called Jake Abe it took me a moment before realising this was Emma the girl as light as air and she had her hand on the shoulder of a little girl with golden curls she must be Claire the little girl with a back mouth we began to walk and we did so in silence until I asked,
"So clearly me and my brother have gone insane but how are you all Alive? Surely you'd be dead or are you the lone survivors?"
Bronwyn and Claire looked at me confused while Emma and Olive looked at me knowingly Emma smiled,
"The bird will explain everything."  I stared at her confused so I just nodded until we approached a cave entrance Bronwyn dropped Jake and he woke up almost immediately. He stared at the people in front of us and began to speak,
"Hang on your Emma, Bronwyn, Olive and Claire!"
They all nodded and he continued,
"No, but you're all dead am I dead?"
Emma shook her head and said no me and Jake stared at one another before Emma beckoned us into the cave entrance as we walked in I felt a rush of cool air and ringing in my ears until it stopped and we exited the cave again.  Jake and me stared at them and with that Jake took off running.

"Let's just get back to the priest hole!"
I panted my chest burnt with every breath I took I hadn't run this fast since sophomore year Jake was falling behind so I slowed down. Once we ran into town Jake commented,
"So much for abandoned and bombed!"
I laughed at that as we entered the priest hole we walked towards the stairs until a man with a heavy Welsh accent said,
"Where do you two think you're both going?"
I stared at him and I noticed the music it was classic 40s so I looked about and everyone was dressed in 40s clothes wearing pin curls and flower dresses with pearl necklaces and the men in smart clothes, I wasn't paying attention until a plate came smashing by my head and chaos ensued but then Olive grabbed Jake and told me to come with her Emma was on a horse pulled trailer and with a touch of Olive's hand the pub was on fire!

We were all at the back of the trailer while Emma was in the front and finally, they all explained what was happening we were in a loop Grandpa had told us about it and as we spoke we ended up on the porch of a house a beautiful grand house and Emma knocked on the door...

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